Wednesday, May 12th, 2010
Aloha Aunty here again,
Wooeee did you go to the Ag Fair? It was so cool. My kumu, Aunty Kauila and Aunty Molly were two of the judges for the lei contest. I neglected to write the other two auntys' names down, auwe! The lei were the most beautiful ones I’ve ever seen. I’m sure it would take me hours but I’ll bet it wasn’t like that for these experts. Sean Naauau was so fabulous. The chickens were clucking, the horses were moving in a circle and the food booths were cooking up a storm. Great fair! Way more cool then the famous Puyallup Fair in Washington State.
My sweet friend Aunty Ku’ulei is in the hospital. She is doing well but I wish she didn’t have to go in there. The sign said please respect her rest and only have no more than four people at a time and stay five minutes. When I was near the door there was lively music. I went in and found at least 10 people, what a party! I had to laugh. I had to dance a hula for her. Kissed her on the cheek and left, didn’t want to tire her out. Tee Hee.
The Hui at Home Pumehana hosted the Kamehameha Guitar Club. There were 10 young men and women who played and sang and even did a funny tango. They helped out at One Ali’i fish pond before performing for us. They were a delight. The Baptist Church is hosting a Ladies Throughout the Generations, May 15. Ladies will be sharing their memories. They can come dressed in the style of their generation. Sounds like fun!
One of my subscribers called all the way from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She used to live here for 30 years. Wow. There was a very tall gentleman that came into the Dispatch the other day. He had a very long, beautiful feather that was an Eagle feather. I asked him how he could have that. He said his grandmother was Shoshone and someone gave it to him. So cool. I’m still looking for someone to come and read or tell me what my wall hangings say. They are all in Chinese. I am so excited that I was given a scholarship to go back to school at the MCC Molokai. I am going to take basic language, basic cultural practices, and intro to Hawaiian culture.
Our beautiful Kanoe has moved to Hilo on the Big Island. I am going to be taking over her position. Send me good vibes because she was the very best at doing all this. She will be working from her home so you may always reach her by email:
Ua lawa paha k?ia a hui hou k?kou [this is perhaps enough until we meet next time]. Aloha no, Aunty Kapua