
Christmas Miracle

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

A big mahalo, how Ke Akua truly blessed us [on Saturday]. I prayed to watch over my family this weekend as they go on their way, and he truly answered when my brother’s car went out of control and he made it out of it safely. And how a Molokai police officer put his life on the line to save my brother’s. My brother Gaig Yap wants to thank all who helped and who were on the road at the time, a big apology. And Kaika Bishaw for putting his life first to save my brother’s, all the other officers that helped, and the police dispatch that helped him on the phone.  It was our Christmas miracle. We are blessed. There are no words that can explain how grateful we are that my little brother was safe.

Thank you,
Brej Lorico

Revered Sergeant Retires

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

Revered Sergeant Retires

Michelle Tancayo remembers being nine and having to move to Maui, while her dad trained to be a police officer.

“We soon found ourselves in a new school, with new friends, and a new career for my dad.”

Tancayo’s dad, Sgt. Timothy “Timmy” Meyer, is a steadfast Molokai cop whose decades of experience and dedication is seen by many as the epitome of a good small-town officer. It would be difficult to imagine him any other way.

“I had no inclinations to be a police officer,” he said in a recent interview.

More than 30 years ago, after 15 years of working in construction – including work on the Molokai Irrigation System – and in corn seed production, Meyer took both the police officer and firefighter entrance exams.

He was offered a job as a patrolman, and never looked back.

that I can never repay,” Yabuta said.

It is not in Meyer’s nature to slow down simply because he won’t be working at the Molokai Police Station every day. Meyer said he will take the next few months off before he and his wife head off on two-year mission with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

He said because of his law enforcement background, he will possibly be assigned to security work in South Africa, Germany, Asia or Salt Lake City.

“I know my husband has served with integrity and with the privacy he needed to serve the people of Molokai,” Donna Meyer added. “We thank everyone who has acknowledged his service with appreciation. May we continue to take care of our aina, keiki, and preserve the integrity of the island, by contributing good citizenship.”

Volunteers Sought for Molokai Vacancies

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010

Mayor Charmaine Tavares is seeking volunteers to serve on county boards and commissions.

Sixty vacancies need to be filled on boards including the Maui, Molokai and Lanai planning commissions, the Police Commission and the Cultural Resources Commission.

Applications are available online at, as well as at all public libraries and numerous other county service centers.

Deadline to apply is Dec. 15, although applications will be accepted year-round to fill unexpected vacancies. For more information, call the Mayor's Office at 270-7855 or visit

Join the Club

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010

Community Contributed

By Gladys Brown

Registration is now open for membership in the Family and Community Education (FCE) Club. Formerly known as the University Extension (UE) Club, this organization has expanded to include activities for parents and community members in health, community affairs and education on various topics, of interest to people ages 30-80. It was mostly dedicated to crafts, cooking and sewing in past years. Annual membership is about $30 and includes National FCE dues.

Halawa Valley Clean-Up

Friday, November 5th, 2010

Community Contributed

By Lavinia Currier, Pu`u O Hoku Ranch

I wish to make public to the people of Molokai the intentions of Pu`u O Hoku Ranch in regards to the camping in Halawa Valley. Historically, the ranch has welcomed campers in the summer season on the far side of Kama`alaea Bay for short periods, hoping that by limiting the length of any family’s stay there will be room for all interested families to enjoy the beauty and serenity of Halawa. Over time, certain campers extended their stay to the entire summer, and we at Pu`u O Hoku received many complaints about these long-term campers dominating the beach area. Long-term campers make it difficult for others to feel comfortable to picnic and or to find places where they can camp with their children.

Shame No Planner

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

It is with regret that I read in The Molokai Dispatch online of the loss of Mr. Mike Torgerson as the Molokai Planner for the Maui County Planning Department (MCPD). He was a voice of reason with a common sense, customer friendly approach to the projects on Molokai. He was a strong supporter of the Molokai Veterans project and authored a detailed letter, signed by Mr. Jeffrey Hunt, then Director MCPD, to Mr. Jeffrey Eng, Director of the Department of Water Supply, urging his approval of the Molokai Veterans building permit. That letter was ignored and, sadly, Mr. Hunt has since resigned and now Mr.

Siren Testing at Kamalo on Thursday

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

As part of maintenance and repair procedures, the Civil Defense emergency warning siren #504 at Kamalo, Molokai will sound
this Thursday, October 14, 2010. The siren at Kamalo is part of the state Emergency Alert System (EAS).

Testing is expected to take place between 9 a.m. and noon.

For more information on emergency preparedness, go to

Master of Social Work Information Session

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

Master of Social Work Information Session

UH SealMBT SSW logo

MSW Distance Education (DE) Degree Option

Flu Shots Available for Community

Monday, September 13th, 2010

Flu Shots Available for Community

Molokai Health Systems News Release

Several flu shot clinics are being set up around the island during the month of September, for residents to receive the 2010-11 seasonal and H1N1 vaccine.

This project is a collaborative effort between Dr. Daniel McGuire, Molokai Community Health Center, Molokai Drugs Inc., Molokai Family Health Center, Molokai General Hospital and Na Pu`uwai, to provide a community service to enhance the health of Molokai residents. The shots are administered by Certified Healthcare Professionals, while supplies last.

There is no co-pay for the vaccine, and a health plan membership card is required if you are insured. You must be 18 years or older to receive a flu shot at these locations. Bring a driver’s license or other photo ID. If you are running a fever or are allergic to eggs you are not able to receive the flu vaccination.

Locally Made Film Gets Exposure

Friday, September 10th, 2010

Locally Made Film Gets Exposure

Blending ancient Hawaiian practices – malama ka `aina – with modern methods of sustainability – solar panels and food forests – is the topic of one of Matt Yamashita’s latest films, showing now on `Oiwi TV.

Yamashita is a local filmmaker who has shot a wide range of documentaries. “Sustainable Living on the Island of Molokai” was recently picked up by Oahu-based, video-on-demand station `Oiwi TV. The station began three years ago with a focus on Native Hawaiian programming, even featuring a news program delivered in Hawaiian.

“I first saw the trailer for this when he released it, [and] I knew instantly that I wanted it on `Oiwi TV,” said `Oiwi Chief Financial Officer Keoni Lee. “It is pieces like this, ones that tell the stories no one else is telling but should be. It was kind of like "This American Life" on NPR but Molokai style.”

The video brings attention to the efforts of people on Molokai, who are not just trying to live lightly upon the earth, but in some cases replicating ancient Hawaiian practices.

, ones that are out in the many pockets around the island where lots of good (and unfortunately bad) things are happening,” Lee said. “We want to create a network of producers around the state to contribute to the conversation and venue that we have built.”

Yamashita’s documentary will be highlighted on `Oiwi TV starting Sept. 6 through the 19th. It can be viewed on digital cable channel 326 or on their website
Yamashita’s videos can be previewed on YouTube via his channel ‘molokaimatt,’ or on his website