
Brody Gabriel Lawai`a Kahookano

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

Brody Gabriel Lawai`a Kahookano was born at Molokai General Hospital Aug. 18 at 2 a.m. to proud parents Gina Marisol Gomez and Gabriel Donald Kahookano. He weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces and was welcomed by siblings Hiilani, Natasha, Jaisten and Genesis, and grandparents Ella Mersberg of Hawaii Island and Donald Kahookano of Ranch Camp. His Hawaiian name, Lawai`a, means fisherman.

George Stanley “Keoki” Pahapu Kaulia Sr.

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

George Stanley “Keoki” Pahapu Kaulia Sr.

George Stanley “Keoki” Pahapu Kaulia Sr. passed peacefully Aug. 3, 2011 at the Molokai General Hospital with his sons, daughter, grandchildren and great-grandchildren at his side. Born July 13, 1937 on Oahu, he was married to his beloved wife Moana “Aunty Mo” Kaulia and had 20 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Our “Papa” was well known for living life to the fullest. He was famous for this “green thumb” – everything he touched flourished. He was a man of many talents.

Family and friends are invited to share their stories during a celebration of life at George Kaulia’s hale in Kalamaula on Sept. 3 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Mary Puamaia Tollefson

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

Mary Puamaia Tollefson of Kalamaula, Molokai died on Aug. 15 in Kaunakakai at the age of 86. She was born on Aug. 9, 1925 in Kohala, Hawaii. She is survived by sons Samuel (Theone) Tollefson of  Sammamish, WA, Chris (Sandy) Tollefson of Waimanalo, Oahu, Timothy (Olive) Tollefson of Fayetville, NC; daughter Sharlene (Pedrico) Tollefson of Madrid, Spain; brother Alvin “Wina” Cazimero of Penn., and eight grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

Friends may call on Friday, Aug. 26 from 9 a.m. with service at 11 a.m. at the Kings Chapel Church in Kaunakakai, Molokai. Burial to follow at the Kapa`akea Cemetery in Kapa`akea, Molokai.

Samuel Kama Kamai

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

Samuel Kama Kamai of Ho`olehua, Molokai died on Aug. 13 at the Queens Medical Center in Honolulu at the age of 86. He was born in Honolulu on Dec. 23, 1924. He is survived by wife Lillian M. Kamai of Ho`olehua; sons Victor Ronald (Wena) Kamai of Kahului, Maui, and Daniel Anthony (Rally) of Anaheim, Calif.; daughters Carolyn (Rodney) Vair of Las Vegas, NV, Lorna (Longie) Dudoit of Hoolehua, Molokai, Claudia (Andrew Germinaro) Kamai of Ho`olehua, Lydia (Cheyenne) Joao of Kaunakakai, and Kathleen (Joey) Joao of Kaunakakai; and 20 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren.

Friends may call on Saturday, Aug. 27 from 9 a.m. with service at 10 a.m. at the Lanikeha Community Center in Ho`olehua, Molokai. Burial to follow at the Kanakaloloa Cemetery in Ho`olehua, Molokai.


Micheline “Mitchy” Uilani Wilson

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

Micheline “Mitchy” Uilani Wilson in Honolulu on May 14, 1948 passed peacefully on Aug. 1. She is survived by her daughter Renee Albino and four grandchildren, Lyndsie, Channing, Reeve and Naavah Albino of Molokai. Mitchy was the middle of five children born to Eloise and Walter Yong. She was raised in Waikiki, where she and her siblings grew up surfing. Family members include brother Walter Yong Jr., sisters Sharee Davis and Renee Yong-Kagimoto, nieces Sienne Kagimoto, Jerry Boy and Rebecca Seguritan, grandniece Arianny Yi and beloved Aunty Alice Puu.

Plans for Monk Seal Recovery

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

NOAA Fisheries Service News Release

Two Brush Fires Blazed on Molokai

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Two Brush Fires Blazed on Molokai

Two brush fires broke out on Molokai today, both about three miles west of Kaunakakai. One burned about 20 acres along Maunaloa Highway, while the smaller blaze burned about 5,000 square feet in the same area, according to Molokai Fire Captain and incident commander Travis Tancayo. Both were reported just after 1 p.m., and were contained by 3:30 p.m.

Department of Water Supply NOTICE

Thursday, August 18th, 2011

Water Conservation Request: Ualapue to Waialua, Molokai

Customers from Ualapue to Waialua, Molokai, are asked to conserve water while the Department of Water Supply well pumps at Ualapue Well are out of service.  Water service should be restored to normal by Friday, August 19, 2011.  Irrigation systems should be turned off and water should be used only for health and safety purposes for today. 

The Department of Water Supply would like to thank its customers for their assistance in ensuring a safe water supply for the east end water system.

Local Woman Wins Journalism Awards

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

Local Woman Wins Journalism Awards

Community Contributed

By Heidi Chang

Hawaii’s journalism community recently turned out to celebrate some of its best work at the annual Excellence in Journalism Awards dinner in Honolulu. The Society of Professional Journalists Hawaii Chapter handed out awards for work produced in 2010. Multimedia journalist Heidi Chang, who has Molokai ties, won the two highest honors for radio news and feature reporting. Chang won a first-place award for her story about Father Damien of Molokai: Hawaii’s First Saint, which aired nationally on AARP Radio’s “Prime Time Postscript.” 

It tells the story of Father Damien and his work with Hansen’s disease patients on Molokai. Chang interviewed Kalaupapa patients Clarence "Boogie" Kahilihiwa, Norbert Palea, and the late Kuulei Bell for the story.

Chang also won a first-place award for her story about the 40th annual Ukulele Festival in Hawaii, which aired on Public Radio International’s “The World.” She produced the radio story, and also a video of Jake Shimabukuro playing ukulele and took all the photos featured in the photo gallery.
Chang is part of the Yuen ohana on Molokai, who has lived on the island for generations.  She has also contributed stories to The Molokai Dispatch, including one about her grandfather, Y.K. Yuen, and her late aunty, Marybeth Yuen Maul.

“It’s always good to promote the best reporting in the state to make sure the standards are kept high, as the number of jobs in journalism decline, and the number of traditional media outlets shrink,” said Society of Professional Journalists President Stirling Morita.

Chang is currently working on an oral history project in Kalaupapa with the Hawaii Council for the Humanities. If you’d like to collaborate or help in anyway, please contact Chang at

You can listen to Heidi’s award-winning stories on her Hawaii Tales blog:

AARP Radio’s “Prime Time Postscript”
Hawaii’s First Saint (Father of Molokai)

Ukulele festival
Public Radio International’s “The World”

Jake Shimabukuro - While My Guitar Gently Weeps - 2010 Hawaii Ukulele Festival

Hawaii Ukulele Festival: Photo Gallery

Society of Professional Journalists Hawaii Chapter

See a complete list of the 2010 Excellence in Journalism Award Winners here:

Molokai Pioneer and Humanitarian: Yun Kee Yuen | Molokai Dispatch

A Groundbreaking Woman | Molokai Dispatch

Keep Kupuna From Falling

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

Maui Adult Day Care Centers News Release

Maui Adult Day Care Centers and Maui County Office on Aging are inviting members of the public to a free caregiver workshop, “Fall Management Training for Caregivers.” The workship, held on June 29 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kulana `Oiwi Halau, is open to both professional caregivers as well as those caring for family members, 

Ted Anderson, Doctor of Physical Therapy and member of the Hawaii Chapter of American Physical Therapy Association, and his assistant Jonathan Bucki will offer presentations. They will cover fall statistics and solutions, why falls increase with age, recognizing the warning signs, protection during a fall (demonstrations), fall recovery and Tai Chi for balance.