International Fellowship Seeking Applications
Kamehameha Schools News Release
Become a part of a fellowship program designed to develop emerging leaders in Hawaii to become significant community contributors in natural, cultural and land stewardship. Applications for Kamehameha Schools’ First Nations’ Futures Program (FNFP) are available now through June 15.
FNFP is an international collaboration between Kamehameha Schools, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu of New Zealand, Stanford University and the University of Hawaii at Manoa. The objective of the program is to bridge western academic and corporate philosophies with traditional First Nations’ philosophies to develop successful leaders.
A one-year commitment is required, which involves six to 10 weeks of programming including a three-day orientation, a two-week leadership development institute at Stanford University, an `oiwi leadership `aha (gathering) and a research project in Hawaii.…