
Assessment Identifies Molokai’s Agriculture Needs

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Sust`aina ble Molokai News Release

Sust`aina ble Molokai has completed a comprehensive Agriculture Needs Assessment for food production and security on Molokai. The Assessment is based on survey results that show where your food is being grown, who is growing it, and where you can buy it. The document is also valuable in that it shows what we don’t have as an island, and therefore what opportunities exist for job creation in the agriculture field.

One of the needs identified by the survey, for example, is an agriculture coordinator for Molokai to connect local farmers with stores and restaurants both on- and off-island.…

Molokai Air Travel Developments

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012

Molokai Air Travel Developments

Good news may be on the horizon for Molokai air travelers. Hawaiian Airlines has announced that Molokai is one of the destinations it is looking to serve with new turbo-prop aircraft it plans to acquire. In addition, current Molokai service provider Island Air is upgrading its aircraft to allow increased passenger capacity and improved service.

Hawaiian to Expand Neighbor Island Service
Hawaiian Airlines (HA) announced last week that is has signed a “letter of intent” to acquire smaller, turbo-prop aircraft (powered by propeller rather than jet engine) with the aim of establishing a subsidiary carrier to serve airports like Molokai’s Ho`olehua Airport, which are not currently part of HA’s routes.…

Monk Seal Crittercam Talk Story Session on Monday

Friday, July 13th, 2012

Monk Seal Crittercam Talk Story Session on Monday

Community Contributed

By Charles Littnan, Lead Scientist, Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program NOAA Fisheries Service

A team of biologists, NGOs, filmmakers, and community members are developing a new research project to use National Geographic Crittercams to build on existing knowledge of the feeding behavior, diet, and habitat use of monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands.

To discuss the project with Molokai residents, there will be a talk story session at Mitchell Pauole Center this Monday, July 16, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

The cameras, which are attached to seals for short periods, were a valuable scientific tool used to understand some of the factors contributing to the species decline in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.…

Beginning Farmer Conference

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

UH Molokai Extension Office News Release

Calling all farmers! The Molokai Native Hawaiian Beginning Farmer Program will host a Farm Conference on July 26 and 27. The conference is open to all farmers regardless of their experience. We will have something new for everyone. The conference is also a part of the Hawaiian Home Lands Agriculture Extension Program, and all homestead farmers are encouraged to attend.

The conference will kick-off on July 26 at the Maui College, Molokai Campus in Kaunakakai, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 27’s events will be held at the UH CTAHR Molokai Applied Research and Demonstration Farm, also referred to as MCC Farm, from 8 a.m.…

Bon Dance Practice

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

Guzeiji Soto Mission News Release

This year’s annual Bon Dance, a Buddhist tradition to remember departed loved ones, will be held on Saturday, July 28. In preparation for the event, Bon Dance practices will be held on Wednesday, July 18 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., and Thursday July 26, from 5 to 6 p.m. The practices are open to the public of all ages, and offer an opportunity to practice the movements and learn the meanings of the dances.

The celebration features Taiko drums, with community members and dancers joining in circular dances in honor of those who have passed. Both practices and the main event will be held at the Guzeiji Soto Mission temple on Hotel Lane in Kaunakakai, behind Imamura Store.…

Hotel Molokai Bar to Reopen This Friday

Sunday, July 1st, 2012

There’s good news for those who miss a drink at Hotel Molokai’s Hula Shores bar following a fire two weeks ago that demolished the kitchen. The bar is reopening Friday, July 6, and hotel manager Michael Drew predicts the kitchen and restaurant reopening by December of this year.

“I almost guarantee that within 180 days we will be back,” said Drew of the restaurant. “It’s very important to the Molokai community and Maui County to bring back people that were laid off.”

The early morning June 19 fire left 35 Hotel employees without work and caused $650,000 in damages.

The reopenings are made possible by expedited Maui County permits.…

Visiting Artist Ceramic Workshop

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Visiting Artist Ceramic Workshop

MAC News Release

Molokai Art Center (MAC) is pleased to announce a two-week workshop featuring first-time visiting artist Professor Emeritus Ron Evans, ceramic artist for over 45 years. Ron’s own artwork consists primarily of crystalline glazed wheel-thrown forms and one-of-a kind art pieces. Ron has recently retired as a Professor of Art at the College of the Desert in Palm Desert, California, where he taught for nearly 40 years. It was the only college in the U.S. to teach crystalline glazes. Combining science and mesmerizing beauty, crystalline glazes shimmer and shift much like holograms do and are
literally three-dimensional.

Workshops will include clay, studio time, glazes, firing and hands on instruction in crystalline glazes and raku.…

4-H Molokai Livestock Expo

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Hawaii Farm Bureau News Release

Next month, Molokai youth will have a chance to show off their livestock and agricultural efforts, while community members will enjoy educational demonstrations, live auctions, food and other entertainment. The 4-H Molokai Livestock Expo is slated for Friday, July 13 and Saturday, July 14 at the Kaunakakai Ball Field.

4-H Molokai is partnering with The Hawaii Farm Bureau to educate the youth of Molokai about the many benefits of the 4-H programs established on island and across the U.S.

“Our keiki benefit by broadening their knowledge of good agricultural practices as well as the gaining knowledge of farming in Hawaii, commercially or otherwise” said President Ha`a Kamakana.…

Reward for Info on Molokai Fires

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Maui Crime Stoppers News Release

This week the Maui Police Department and Maui Crime Stoppers asks for the public’s assistance in identifying person(s) responsible for three fires that were set in Molokai on June 11 and 12.

On June 11 at about 3:40 p.m., a brush fire was set in the area of Likelike Avenue at Hoomalu Drive in Kalamaula.

The same day at about 3:44 p.m., an abandoned vehicle was set on fire in an empty lot in the area of S.Mohala Street at Seaside Place.

On June 12 at about 11:05 p.m., a wooden shack near the beach at Kamehameha V Highway at mile 11 in Kamalo was burned to the ground.…

Lanai Being Sold – UPDATE

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

Lanai Being Sold – UPDATE

Updated June 24, 2012

The island of Lanai, owned mostly by Castle & Cooke, is being sold to Lawrence Ellison, co-founder and chief executive officer of Oracle Corporation, one of the world’s leading enterprise software companies. Castle & Cooke (C&C), headed by billionaire David Murdock, owns about 97 percent of the island’s 141 square miles. The transaction is subject to final government approval.

The 89-year-old Murdock has owned the island since 1985, and his company loses up to $40 million a year, according to Forbes.  Ellison is the third richest American, with an estimated worth of $36.5 billion.

“Exploring the possibility of new ownership of my Lanai holdings was not a new or an impulsive decision,” said Murdock in a statement.…