
Discuss Proposed Animal Shelter on Monday

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

Shields’ Animal Shelter Foundation News Release

The Shields’ Animal Shelter Foundation would like to welcome you to a community forum at The Mitchell Pauole Center on Monday, May 6 at 6 p.m. Please join us in an open discussion regarding our proposal to bring The Shields’ Animal Shelter to Molokai.

The Foundation was established in 2009 upon the passing of longtime friend of Molokai, Mrs. Kathleen Shields. A great animal lover, Mrs. Shields supported the mission of the Molokai Humane Society, and it was her dream to one day see a fully functioning animal shelter on Molokai. Mrs. Shields’ was so inclined to improve the lives of the animals on Molokai that in her will she left a small endowment for the expressed purpose of building a shelter on this island she loved so very much.…

Ka Hula Piko 2013

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

Ka Hula Piko 2013

Halau Hula O Kukunaokala News Release

The 22nd Annual Molokai Ka Hula Piko Festival is a three-day community event celebrating the birth of hula on the island of Molokai with a goal of educating the community and visitors alike. This year’s festival will be held Thursday, May 2 through Saturday, May 4, with Ho`olaulea and hula show on Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Lanikeha Community Center in Ho`olehua.

The festival consists of two days of educational and cultural day excursions, including sharing mo`olelo (story) and hula (dance) onsite at Ka`ana, the place where according to Molokai tradition, the art of hula began.…

MHS Students Qualify for National Competition

Friday, April 19th, 2013

Community Contributed

By Sue Forbes

Two Molokai High students, Paul Parker and Luke Kikukawa, have qualified for the national Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) competition that will be held in Nashville, Tenn. from June 25-30 this summer.  The teammates advanced to nationals after placing fourth in the recent HOSA state competition that was held at the Hawaii Convention Center on Oahu on Feb. 20-21.  Their competition category at the national HOSA event will be CPR and First Aid.

Molokai High mentor and health careers teacher, John Van Ornum, credited the two young men with their hard work and effort in this their second year of competition. …

Occupational Therapy Position Available

Friday, April 19th, 2013

Pakolea Rehab News Release

Jobs on Molokai are scarce, and unless you open your own business or work in agriculture, the future may seem bleak to the residents of our small island. However, there is a glimmer of hope for a dedicated individual interested in the healthcare field. Pakolea Rehab is offering a unique opportunity for a Molokai resident interested in pursuing a career in healthcare as a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, or COTA.

Pakolea Rehab is offering a paid position upon graduation. We are looking for dedicated, caring, and hard-working individuals willing to attend Kapi`olani Community College in Fall 2013 to complete this two-year program for an Associates Degree as an Occupational Therapy Assistant.…

CFL Bulb Recycling Protocol

Thursday, April 18th, 2013

CFL Bulb Recycling Protocol

Blue Planet & Sust `aina ble Molokai News Release

Over the past two years, Molokai residents who have participated in the “Go Green and Carbon Clean” program organized by Blue Planet Foundation and Sust `aina ble Molokai have been benefiting from the energy savings of highly efficient compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulbs, which use 75 percent less electricity than incandescent bulbs.

The nearly 40,000 bulbs installed in Molokai homes today represent an important first step in moving the island toward energy self-sufficiency. The project’s success was made possible by the collaborative efforts of students, teachers, businesses, and community leaders.

Blue Planet Foundation and Sust `aina ble Molokai want to ensure that the community is aware of the proper usage and disposal recommendations for CFLs.…

Young Woman of Promise

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

Young Woman of Promise

Molokai High freshman Momi Afelin already has a resume full of science and engineering accomplishments, and can now add another feather to her cap. She was recently awarded the Young Woman of Promise award by the Maui County Committee on the Status of Women (CSW) as part of the group’s celebration of Women’s History Month.

In keeping with this year’s national theme for the month, “Women Inspiring Innovation Through Imagination: Celebrating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics [STEM],” the committee received more than 20 nominations throughout the county for several awards. The Young Woman of Promise category recognized the accomplishments of girls in STEM ages 14 to 21.…

Molokai Middle Takes Second for STEM

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

Molokai Middle Takes Second for STEM

Community Contributed

By MMS STEM Program Students

Molokai Middle School’s science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs took second place in the state at the Second Annual State of Hawaii STEM Week Awards Banquet held at the Hawaii Convention Center on April 9. Molokai Middle School (MMS) was represented at the ceremony by eighth grade STEM alumni students.

Under the umbrella of STEM, the award recognizes the accomplishments of MMS across all STEM-related efforts and programs including Robotics, Science Fair, Bridge Building, Math Counts, and STEM Conference.

The STEM institutional awards ceremony recognizes outstanding students, educators, and participating schools from Hawaii’s various STEM organizations.…

Managing the North Shore

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Traditional fishing practices along Molokai’s north shore could soon be supported by law if a new proposal is approved by the state.

The Mo`omomi area, which provides food for Ho`olehua homesteaders through its ocean resources, is closer to receiving official state designation as a community-based subsistence fishing area (CBSFA). Conservation group Hui Malama O Mo`omomi organized the official proposal for the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR)  and has presented it at a series of meetings with fishermen, homesteaders and the public. After the group has allowed time to receive public comments and questions, they will present it to the DLNR at a public hearing.…

Tonight’s DLNR Meeting on Wildlife Rule Amendment

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013


DLNR News Release

The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) will host a public hearing tonight to receive testimony on proposed amendments to Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 13, Subtitle 5, Part 2, Chapter 124, “Indigenous Wildlife, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, and Introduced Wild Birds.”

The primary purpose of the proposed amendments is to prohibit and deter the transport and release of introduced wildlife. Introduced species can impact Hawaii’s ecosystems and economy by introducing harmful predation and competition to indigenous species, damaging watersheds, spreading pathogens and diseases, and harming agriculture.

“The movement of live, introduced wildlife poses direct threats to our native ecosystems, and the proposed amendments will help prevent harm to our natural resources and economy,” said William J.…

Molokai High Artists Earn District Honors

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard News Release

High school students through Hawaii’s 2nd Congressional District competed in an arts competition sponsored by the district’s congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard. All three Molokai High School students who were among 16 finalists received honors in the contest, Gabbard announced last week. MHS’ Kierstyn Esteron earned third place, while she and fellow MHS students Rizpah Torres-Umi and Eliana Kalilikane-Garces won the “People’s Choice” contest on Gabbard’s Facebook page.

Eighty contest entries were received from high school students throughout the district. Each spring, a nationwide high school arts competition is sponsored by the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives.…