
Red Cross Disaster Team On Molokai

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Red Cross Hawaii News Release

The Red Cross is growing their cadre of disaster volunteers on Molokai. Free disaster training was provided on Molokai at the end of October and new volunteers were trained.  Currently, the Molokai Red Cross disaster team consists of 23 individuals, ready to respond on island to disasters that may occur.  All disaster response and training of disaster volunteers are free of charge.

Halona Kaopuiki is one of the newly trained Red Cross volunteers.  “I was very impressed on the Red Cross orientation classes on Molokai,” he said.  “When I saw Lester Keanini helping victims on the news in Louisiana, it made me feel proud to see a Molokai boy volunteering his services away from home.…

Caregiver Workshop

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Maui County Office on Aging News Release

Maui Adult Day Care Centers and Maui County Office on Aging invite you to a free caregiver workshop, “Understanding the Older Adult.” The workshop will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Home Pumehana Hall.

Gain awareness and understanding for the emotions an aging loved one goes through as you take over their care. Learn also about factors that contribute to negative/positive behavior changes, caregiver tips to help you provide care with compassion and tips for surviving the holidays.

The event will be taught by Kathleen Couch, Caregiver and Program Coordinator at the Maui Adult Day Care Centers.…

Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center Challenge Winners

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center Challenge Winners

Na Pu`uwai Fitness Center News Release

Na Pu’uwai has brought its latest eight-week challenge to a close on Oct. 31, and results are in!  This challenge produced 83 participants, including both men and women.  We had a grand prize winner as well as first through fifth place winners for men and women, ranging from $25 to $100 in gift certificates,  a month free membership at the fitness center, and cotton fitness center T-shirts.  The grand prize was a custom long board with Na Pu`uwai’s logo made by Bouvey Bradley from Makaha, Oahu.

Harley Tancayo sneaked in from the sidelines and took it home for the win. …

Kilohana Grandparents Day

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Kilohana School News Release

You’re invited to Kilohana’s annual Grandparents Day, Student Showcase, and Turkey Trot. Grandparents, come to enjoy breakfast with entertainment.  Students will have a showcase of their work, either orally or on bulletin board displays. Parents are encouraged to come and enjoy the showcase, activities with the kupuna in the classrooms, turkey trot, and afternoon activities.

The event will be held at Kilohana School on Nov. 27. From 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. will be breakfast and entertainment, 8:30 to 9:30 is the student showcase, 9:45 to 10:45 will be kupuna activities, the Turkey Trop will be from 10:45 to 11:30, lunch will be at 11:30, and from 12:15 to 1 p.m.…

Kamehameha Preschools Applications

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

Kamehameha Schools News Release

Kamehameha preschool applications are now being accepted for the 2014-2015 school year at the Kalama`ula, Molokai preschool. Families applying must be current residents of the state of Hawaii and all applications must be received by Kamehameha Schools’ (KS) Admissions Department no later than Jan. 31, 2014.

This year, KS will be applying a new preschool entry age requirement in alignment with the Department of Education’s (DOE) Kindergarten age requirement and the elimination of the Jr. Kindergarten program that will take effect during the 2014-15 school year. New students applying for KS preschools for the upcoming school year must be 3 years old by July 31, 2014 to be eligible for the 3-year-old program and 4 years old by July 31, 2014 to be eligible for the 4-year-old program.…

Workshop for Backyard Egg Farmers and Buyers

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

UH CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service News Release

There will be a free workshop to assist those raising chickens for eggs as well as buyers. The workshop will cover candling and grading of shell eggs, washing and good handling practices, packaging and labeling, compliance with federal and state laws, and resources for the backyard egg farmer.

The workshop will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 26 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Queen Liliuokalani Children’s Center Activity Room at Kulana Oiwi.

Attendees are encouraged to bring their own eggs for Q and A, and hands on candling practice. Speakers will include Mrs.…

Molokai Opens Collection Site for Global Christmas Project

Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

Operation Christmas Child News Release

With holiday supplies already covering the store shelves, Molokai individuals, families, churches and groups are working to make Christmas a reality for needy kids around the world by filling shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, hygiene items and notes of encouragement. Operation Christmas Child, the world’s largest Christmas project of its kind, is ramping up as Hoolehua residents prepare to collect gift-filled shoeboxes during National Collection Week Nov. 18–25.

At this local collection site in the Molokai area, anyone can drop off a gift-filled shoebox to send to a child overseas. Then using whatever means necessary—trucks, trains, boats, bikes and even elephants—the shoebox gifts will be delivered to children worldwide.…

Arts Show

Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

MAC News Release

The Molokai Arts Center (MAC) will present its Second Annual Art Show from Nov. 13 through Dec. 2 at the Molokai Public Library.  Featuring works in ceramics and other media by members of the Arts Center, the exhibit will be curated by local resident Roshani Nash.  The show will also include works from University of Hawaii Maui students currently enrolled in Art 105 and Art 244.

The public is invited to join the artists at the library for the exhibit’s opening on Wednesday, Nov. 13, from 5 to 7:30 p.m.  Refreshments will be served.  Many pieces in the show will be for sale, with 10 percent of the sale price benefiting the Friends of the Molokai Public Library.…

Legend of Ko`olau Free Performance

Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

MACC News Release

Molokai residents will get a unique view into a facet of Hawaii history on Monday, Nov. 11with a free performance of “The Legend of Ko`olau.” The play by local author Gary T. Kubota is being offered on island by the Maui Arts & Cultural Center (MACC).

“The Legend Of Ko`olau”  is a one-man play, acted by Ed Ka`ahea and directed by Keo Woolford, telling the story of a Hawaiian man who became an “outlaw” while  trying to protect his family’s right to live on the land in Kauai after the loss of Hawaiian sovereignty in 1893.  The enforcement of leprosy laws at that time would have consigned  Kaluaiko`olau and his son to the “Living Grave” settlement at Kalaupapa, but Ko`olau’s wife  Pi`ilani was resolved  to keep the family together.…

Regulating Home Businesses

Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

County of Maui News Release

The County of Maui is considering amending a bill relating to home businesses. The purpose of the proposed revisions is to establish standards and restrictions for the regulation of home businesses. It also seeks to establish home businesses as a permitted use in the residential and rural zoning districts and as a special use in the agricultural zoning district, as well as classify parcels upon which a home business is conducted as commercialized residential for real property tax purposes.

A public meeting will be held on Molokai on Nov. 20 at the Mitchell Pauole Center at 6 p.m.…