Molokai College Graduation
UHMCM News Release
Once every four years, the college invites the community to join us in honoring our University of Hawaii Maui College (UHMC), Molokai graduates. On Friday, May 13, we held our quadrennial commencement ceremony to celebrate the awarding of 87 Associate Degrees, 17 Bachelors Degrees and 12 Masters Degrees since 2012.
There were 42 graduates who participated in the commencement ceremony. The graduates’ ages ranged from 17-59; representing 42 years of separation. Shyla Purdy-Avelino was the youngest graduate to ever earn her Associate Degree on Molokai at the age of 17. She double majored in Liberal Arts and Hawaiian Studies and is planning to pursue a Bachelors Degree at the University of Hawaii in Hilo in the Fall. …