
Youth Symphony Comes to Molokai

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

Hawaii Youth Symphony News Release

The classrooms of Kaunakakai Elementary School on Molokai will be filled with the joy of music during the Hawaii Youth Symphony’s string workshop held at the school on Saturday, June 23 through Sunday, June 24. 

“The Hawaii Youth Symphony is thrilled to share more of the opportunities and wonder that music education has to offer with students on Molokai,” said Randy Wong, president of the Hawaii Youth Symphony. “Music is a right, not a privilege, and we look forward to inspiring these enthusiastic young students to further develop their skills and have fun while learning.” 

In partnership with Kaunakakai Elementary School teacher and bassist Bob Underwood, the Hawaii Youth Symphony will teach Molokai students the fundamental techniques of string instruments, general musicianship skills and the opportunity to rehearse as an orchestra. …

Discuss Molokai Plan Final Draft on Monday

Sunday, May 6th, 2018


Maui County News Release

Maui County Councilmember Kelly King, chair of the Council’s Planning Committee, will present the proposed final draft of the Molokai Community Plan on Molokai from 5-7 p.m., Monday May 7 at the Mitchell Pauole Center. This is the latest in a series of informal meetings to gather with community members who will directly be impacted by the update to the existing 2001 Molokai Community Plan. The date extension passed by the Council late last year states June 30 as the deadline for final passage of the Plan. Throughout the process, community input was a driving force.

Along with Councilmember Stacy Crivello, King invites the community to come talk story and share any concerns about the few major changes made after more than a year of committee meetings, community input and additional workshops and visits to speak directly with the community.…

Molokai Earth Day

Thursday, April 19th, 2018

TNC Molokai News Release

This Friday, April 20, the 26th annual Molokai Earth Day will be celebrated at Mitchell Pauole Center from 5 to 9 pm. The 2018 Molokai Earth Day celebration theme aligns with the Polynesian Voyaging Society and Hokulea post worldwide voyage, “Pae`aina O Hawaii, Collectively taking care of Hawaii.” 

Come and see the many exhibits that can show how you can help take care of Molokai and Hawaii.  The 2018 Malama Kuleana Honua Award recipient is Billy Akutagawa, someone who has been taking care of Molokai all his life. There will be great stage entertainers, `ono food, Earth Day T-shirts and many learning experiences for your entire family. …

Proposed Forest Reserve Rules

Thursday, April 5th, 2018

DLNR News Release

In light of evolving natural resource concerns and the needs of managers and people, the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) is proposing updates to rules regulating activities within Hawaii’s Forest Reserve System.  DOFAW is now inviting input and comments. 

The Forest Reserve System consists of 55 reserves across the state covering approximately 678,000 acres.  Regulations for the system were first established in 1943 and the last comprehensive update was in 1993. Proposed changes and updates will allow DLNR to streamline and clarify existing rules, improve enforceability, and update allowed uses and activities based on conditions currently facing the forests and their users.…

Temporary Relocation for DMV

Thursday, April 5th, 2018

County of Maui News Release

The Molokai Satellite Dept. of Motor Vehicle and Licensing (DMVL) office will be temporarily relocated to the Mitchell Pauole Center Conference Room while repairs are made to the roof. 

The Molokai Satellite DMVL office will be closed during the relocation from Tuesday, April 3 through Monday, April 9. The office will re-open at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, April 10. 

Customers with questions may call the DMVL Call Center at (808) 270-7363. …

Red Cross to Install Smoke Alarms

Friday, March 30th, 2018

Hawaii Red Cross News Release

On Saturday, May 5, a group of Red Cross volunteers will be installing free smoke alarms in homes in need on Molokai as part of the Red Cross Home Fire Campaign. Red Cross volunteers will also be sharing fire safety information.

Smoke alarm installations are by appointment only. To make an appointment, please call and leave a message at the Maui Red Cross office at 808-244-0051 ext, 159.

Every eight minutes, the Red Cross responds to a disaster — and the vast majority of these are home fires. In the U.S., home fires kill more people each year than all other natural disasters combined.…

Review the County Budget

Friday, March 30th, 2018

County of Maui News Release

The Maui County Council’s Budget and Finance Committee will hold evening meetings throughout the county, starting at the end of this month, to receive community input on the fiscal year 2019 budget, announced Councilmember Riki Hokama, who chairs the committee.

Molokai’s meeting is scheduled on Monday, April 16 at 6:30 p.m. at the Mitchel Pauole Center.

Site inspections are scheduled for April 16, at 1 p.m. on Molokai. Agendas detailing site inspection information and locations can be found at

The budget is the financial plan for the county for the upcoming fiscal year, from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.…

Controlled Fire Planned for Kalama`ula

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018

MFD News Release

Maui County Fire Department (MFD) staff will have a controlled fire in Kalama`ula, Molokai, between Feb. 19 and 23. This controlled, or prescribed, fire is done to satisfy national requirements to be certified as a Type 3 Incident Management Team, provide live fire training to fire personnel, and remove hazardous levels of overgrown plant material.

The MFD and Department of Public Works, in consult with the Hawaii Department of Health, Maui Police Department, and the Department of Hawaiian Homelands, will be working together in a multi-agency effort to conduct this exercise.

The live fire training will be conducted between 7:30 a.m.…

County Offices to Relocate After Rain Damage

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018


Heavy rains on Feb. 5 brought a temporary closure of some county offices in the Mitchell Pauole Center, and this week they will be relocating while repairs are made. Water leaks in the roof necessitated staff to be sent home for the rest of the day on Feb. 5, but the offices reopened the next day, according to county officials, until the relocation is scheduled to begin.

The main Mitchell Pauole hall remains open and unaffected, as well as the Department of Motor Vehicles and Licensing, Council Services and Dept. of Parks and Recreation. However, the offices of Real Property Assessment/Collections, Planning, Water, and Development Services Administration will be closed from Feb.…

Audibel Hearing Center Provides Care on Molokai

Monday, February 12th, 2018

Audibel Hearing Center News Release

One of Stephanie Crabbe’s greatest joys is playing a pivotal role in helping people regain their hearing. “It is life-changing when someone can suddenly hear,” says Stephanie, owner of Audibel Hearing Center, which will be offering visits on Molokai this week.

Stephanie has witnessed amazing transformations — for example: first-time patients who are sad and withdrawn are suddenly elated from recovering the precious sense of hearing. She enjoys seeing how those individuals quickly become more active members of the community, regain lost relationships and just enjoy life more.

Audibel Hearing Center is a family owned clinic that opened in October 2012.…