
Hawaii’s Finest Celebrates Five Years

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

Hawaii’s Finest Celebrates Five Years

Hawaii’s Finest Clothing has come a long way since its humble beginnings on Molokai. For Paulele Alcon, what began as a T-shirt for his cousin’s bachelor party turned into one of the most successful local clothing businesses in the state, he said. With two retail locations under his belt, Alcon decided to give thanks to the community that supported him all along.

To celebrate a milestone of five years in business, Alcon returned to Molokai, the birthplace of both himself and his company. He hosted a free anniversary concert at One Alii Park Friday night featuring Molokai’s Roots Mafia, Just Cuz,  Melia Kalawe and Katchafire, the band that played at Hawaii’s Finest first concert.…

Jeans Warehouse Opening on Molokai

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

Jeans Warehouse News Release

When Molokai residents expressed their farewell to the Molokai General Store in August, many were saddened to see the one-stop shop close its doors.  The Mikami family was grateful for the community support over the years, but unfortunately, was driven to close their doors due to declining sales.

The Mikami family has been searching for new occupants to provide a welcomed service to the island of Molokai.   Protecting the community and culture of Molokai has been the key concern with Mr. David and Jon Mikami’s search and has been very selective in their decision.

As Jeans Warehouse prepares to set up its first store on The Friendly Isle this October, taking over the space once occupied by Molokai General Store, stakeholders may want to consider installing Factory Flooring to ensure a seamless and stylish environment.…

Mobile Unit to Renew Expired Transport Credentials

Friday, August 22nd, 2014

County of Maui News Release

Molokai’s Kuha`o Business Center has secured funding to bring a mobile Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) unit to Molokai on Aug. 26-28, the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development has announced. The mobile unit will allow more than 140 transportation workers with expired credentials to apply for renewals of their TWIC cards.

TWIC cards are issued by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the U.S. Coast Guard; they are required for all workers who need unescorted access to secure areas of maritime facilities and vessels. All U.S. credentialed mariners are required to have a TWIC.

On Molokai, many business owners send employees to pick up freight in secured areas on a regular basis.…

The Export Expert

Friday, August 22nd, 2014

The Export Expert

For Molokai food or product producers wanting to sell their goods on an international scale, the Pacific regional office of the U.S. Department of Commerce may be the lucky break they’re waiting for. John Holman, director of the office based in Honolulu, shared valuable tips and connections with local producers last week.

“Our mission is to help U.S. companies grow international exports,” said Holman, speaking at an Export Seminar hosted by the Molokai Chamber of Commerce last Friday. “I have been working with a few companies here on Molokai for a few years. We can definitely do business from here.”

He said by marketing internationally, you are reaching 95 percent of the world’s consumers, the percentage that live outside the U.S.…

Molokai Export Seminar   

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Molokai Chamber of Commerce News Release

At our first ever Molokai Export Seminar on Friday Aug. 15, John Holman, Pacific Director of the U.S. Commercial Service, U. S. Department of Commerce, will be offering advice about how you can export your product to the ever-expanding worldwide market. We invite you to come and bring a guest to the free seminar, which will be held at Paddlers Inn at 11:30 a.m.

This program will cover an overview of export process; selling: domestic vs. international; preparing yourself to sell internationally; shipping, logistics and documentation; and developing an international growth strategy.

Why sell internationally? …

Grant Event and Advertising Workshop

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014

KBC News Release

What to learn how to write an effective grant that best fits your event needs? An upcoming workshop called Effective and Efficient Grant and Event Advertising Workshop will show you how. Through a partnership by Destination Molokai Visitors Bureau (DMVB) and Kuha`o Business Center (KBC), the workshop will provide attendees with a step-by-step process for grant application, what are the “must do’s” to prepare for a successful event and advertising effectively and efficiently promoting your event to the target audience. It will be held on Monday, Aug. 4 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Molokai Community Health Center Great Room.…

Closing Time for General Store

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

Closing Time for General Store

For three years, Molokai General Store has been a one-stop shop for just about anything a customer might need. However, if you take a drive down Ala Malama Street, you can’t miss the large, neon-colored closing sales signs plastered across the storefront. Come late August, business at the general store will close for good.

“We thank the Molokai community for their support of our business,” said CEO and Chairman David Mikami.

From office supplies and home goods to linens, fishing supplies and toys, the old-style plantation store offered a wide range of essentials. But after years in business, the general store will close its doors on August 30, Mikami announced last week.…

Molokai General Store Going Out of Business

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

Molokai General Store News Release

Businessman David Mikami has announced the closing of Molokai General Store (301 Ala Malama Street) in Kaunakakai. The last day of business will be Saturday, August 30.

The clearance sale began Wednesday, July 9 at 9 a.m. with the entire inventory at 20 percent off as well as select items at higher discounts. Everything must go!

“We thank the Molokai community for their support of our business,” said Mikami. Molokai General Store is Molokai’s version of the old-style plantation store. The store currently sells a variety of items, including office supplies, linens, containers, fishing supplies, sporting goods, party supplies, appliances, jewelry, snacks, cleaning supplies, tools, books, clothing and toys.…

OED Grants Available

Friday, June 27th, 2014

Kuha`o Business Center News Release

The County of Maui Mayor’s Office of Economic Development (OED) awards grants on an annual basis to nonprofit organizations and events that promote diversity and growth within the economy.  The FY 15 Grant Handbook and Application are now available at Click on Mayor, then Office of Economic Development, then Grants and Awards.

If you are a nonprofit interested in submitting for an OED grant, you should submit a letter of inquiry as soon as possible.  Letters of inquiry on Molokai should be mailed to:  Maui County Office of Economic Development,   2200 Main Street, Suite 305, Wailuku, Maui 96793 or hand delivered to the Kuha`o Business Center at 2 Kamo`i Street, Suite 600 (next to The Molokai Dispatch).…

Ukulele Collector Strums Up Business

Thursday, June 19th, 2014

Ukulele Collector Strums Up Business

Todd Ragsdale, a boat builder, musician and fervent collector, wanted to try something different after retirement.

Six months ago, he fused his passion for music and fondness for collecting ukuleles into a business to share both his hobbies with Molokai. Thus was born Molokai Music Maker, where he sells handmade and vintage ukuleles from Hawaii, the mainland, Indonesia and beyond.

“It’s like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich,” said Ragsdale, a Honolulu native, while plucking one of his many ukuleles, improvising a melody at Hotel Molokai’s weekly Friday market. “You can’t have the peanut butter without the jelly. You come to Hawaii, you should have a ukulele.”…