
Deal Off for Tante’s and Hotel

Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

Tante’s Island Cuisine’s contract with Hotel Molokai has been called off. Tante’s owner Tante Urban and Hotel Molokai Manger Micheal Drew both confirmed the Maui-based company will no longer be responsible for management of the hotel’s bar and restaurant, though neither would give a reason. Both called it a “mutual agreement.”

Tante’s at Hotel Molokai had been operating the bar and offering a small grill menu while the hotel’s kitchen is being rebuilt after a fire destroyed it two years ago.

Management deal or not, Drew said kitchen construction is still on schedule to be completed in early 2015.

“We hope to open doors to the public on or before Valentine’s Day,” Drew confirmed.…

Molokai Vendors Take Maui Trade Show by Storm

Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

Molokai Vendors Take Maui Trade Show by Storm

The owners of 12 Molokai businesses came home from Maui earlier this month with new customers, sales leads, county-wide fans and a great experience. They attended the first-ever Made in Maui County Festival, an event that showcased locally made products from more than 130 vendors at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center.

The positive response to the festival astounded everyone.

Jennifer Hawkins, small business advocate at Molokai’s Kuha`o Business Center, said about 8,000 attendees were anticipated at the event. Yet despite pouring rain throughout the day, more than 9,000 people came. Molokai vendors occupied their own area at the show, marked by green flags, and Hawkins said officials were “in awe” of their presentations and the effort that was put into transporting and showcasing the products.…

Judge Orders Hold on GE Enforcement

Wednesday, November 19th, 2014

A federal judge in Honolulu has ordered a temporary hold on enforcement of the moratorium on genetically engineered crops passed by Maui County voters on Nov. 4. Last week, Monsanto and other parties filed a lawsuit against the County of Maui, challenging the moratorium. Judge Barry Kurren granted Monsanto and other plaintiffs in the suit a temporary injunction until Dec. 5.

The county stated last week it was preparing to enforce the moratorium pending the Election Officer’s certification of election results, but the judge’s injunction will put a hold on enforcement until further court action.

Injunction is a court order for a party to do, or refrain from doing, specific acts.…

Free Business Workshops

Friday, November 14th, 2014

ONABEN News Release

The Maui County Office of Economic Development Molokai Kuha`o Business Center along with MEO Business Development Center will partner with ONABEN-A Native American Business Network to present a series of business workshops on Thursday, Nov. 13. The workshops will be held at the County of Maui Mayor’s Office of Economic Development Kuha`o Business Center which is at 2 Kamoi Street, Suite 600, Kaunakakai, HI, 96748.

The first workshop will occur from 12:30 to 2 p.m. April Lemly, ONABEN’s Marketing Coordinator, will lead an overview of web design basics for small businesses.

The second workshop will occur from 4 to 5:30 p.m.…

Farm Tax Workshop

Wednesday, October 29th, 2014

Kuha`o Business Center News Release

There will be a Farm Tax Workshop held Nov. 6, 2014 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Maui Economic Opportunity (MEO) Business Development Classroom.  Michael Holl will be the returning to Molokai to speak to farmers and ranchers about business taxes. This workshop will help you manage your labor, financial and legal risks. Holl, who is from Oahu, is an enrolled agent who is a federally-authorized tax practitioner, licensed by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to negotiate with the IRS on behalf of taxpayers.

The Molokai Farm Tax Workshop is designed to enable farmers to lower their tax liabilities by better understanding business deductions, tax preparation, and record keeping to minimize taxes and the chances of an audit, business entities for your farm, how employment laws and independent contractor requirements affect your business, and special provisions in the tax code regarding farm income averaging to significantly lower taxes resulting from “bumper” crops.…

Child & Family Service Celebrates New Office

Wednesday, October 29th, 2014

Child & Family Service Celebrates New Office

When Child & Family Service (CFS) first arrived on Molokai in 2008, staff members worked with families in a one-room building in Kualapu`u, according to Nicole Hokoana, CFS’s Director of Maui County Programs. Six years later, CFS has a new, seven-room office on Kaunakakai’s main street, a fresh location for Hawaii’s oldest human service nonprofit.

“We’re all here because we have one thing in common: we love our children,” said Kahu Jimmy Duvauchelle, who came to help bless the new location last Friday. “We wanna give them nothing but the best.”

CFS, which helps families through serious issues that include domestic violence and sexual assault, went from the small building in Kualapu`u to a location next to Hometown Goods on Kaunakakai’s main street.…

GE Crop Debate Shakes Molokai

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

GE Crop Debate Shakes Molokai

A single initiative on the November election ballot has the Molokai community in such a heated debate that “vote yes” and “vote no” only refer to one thing: whether or not the cultivation of all genetically engineered crops in Maui County should stop while studies are done examining effects on human health and the environment.

The “vote no” campaign opposes the initiative, highlighting the hundreds of jobs on the line that could be lost in Maui County if a moratorium on growing genetically engineered (GE) crops goes through. Supporters of the initiative say they don’t want farming practices they believe are detrimental to land and people to continue without a comprehensive, independent study completed.…

Molokai Ranch Showcases Beef

Friday, October 17th, 2014

Molokai Ranch News Release

Molokai Ranch introduced their new brand, Molokai Ranch Beef, a premium 100 percent grass-fed Angus beef, by hosting a private event for leaders of the Hawaii food community on Oct. 7. Held at the award-winning 12th Ave Grill, guests enjoyed special appetizers, craft cocktails, and a four-course menu of composed dishes with wine pairings sponsored by Southern Wine & Spirits.

Acclaimed chefs that prepared the innovative menu included 12th Ave Grill’s Chef/Owner Kevin Hanney, Jason Schoonover, Ryan Durham, mixologist Mike Hall, and Koko Head Café’s Executive Chef Lee Anne Wong.

Molokai Ranch Beef was praised by Hawaii’s food industry experts, with favorite “Top Chef” contestant Wong mentioning she is “excited for local grass-fed beef.”…

Fashion Frenzy

Wednesday, October 15th, 2014

Fashion Frenzy

Few residents expect to stand in long lines on Molokai, but Oct. 10 was an exception. Shoppers began forming lines at 6 a.m. in front of the Kaunakakai’s new Jeans Warehouse, and by late Friday evening, the line was still going.

“This is such an exciting day,” said Jimmy Duvauchelle, who, along with Naomi and Claude Duvauchelle, came to bless the business before its 10 a.m. opening. “…My only regret is I got three granddaughters [who are going to] cost me money!”

Nearly 70 people, from granddaughters to grandparents, stood outside when the Hawaii-based juniors fashion outlet officially opened its doors on Ala Malama Ave.…

Community Talks County Budget

Wednesday, October 1st, 2014

Maui County mixed things up at this year’s community budget meetings with a new format that allowed residents, organizations and community leaders more focused opportunities to add input to the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016.

The new format rotated community members through tables of staff from each county department. County directors and staff members listened to concerns, addressed budget needs and answered questions about department-specific county-related issues. Attendees were given a form to write down their comments. All concerns were submitted to Budget Director for the Mayor’s Office Sandy Baz at the end of the meeting.

“This new format is being very well received from the community,” Baz said.…