
Invasive Species Team Changes

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

MoMISC News Release

Aloha kakou! We hope that this message finds you and your ‘ohana well and healthy. We want to inform the Molokai community of the adjustments made to the Molokai/Maui Invasive Species Committee (MoMISC) operations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

All MoMISC employees are currently “out of office” and will be working remotely until further notice. Phone calls to our main office line will not be picked up. In the meantime, if you need any invasive species information, advice or need to report a pest, please email MoMISC at or call Lori Buchanan, MoMISC Coordinator at (808) 336-0625.…

Community Health Center COVID-19 Response

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

MCHC News Release
Molokai Community Health Center (MCHC) is announcing several updates to the operations of their facility in response to the COVID-19 outbreak including Medical, Dental, Behavioral Health, WIC and Ka Hana Pono programs and services, effective immediately.
MCHC is an active COVID-19 testing site. Testing is administered via our onsite Acute Care Treatment (ACT) Clinic. Hours of operation for the ACT Clinic are Monday through Friday from 8 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. Hours are subject to change. Only people with flu-like symptoms should visit these locations. Those who are healthy and not feeling ill should not come to these facilities for COVID-19 testing.…

Library Closure and Resources

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

HSPLS News Release

All public library locations in Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS), including the Molokai Public Library and bookmobile services, will be closed until April 7. Please know that we are working diligently to navigate the ongoing changes in guidance and requirements from local, state, and federal authorities during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Given the most recent information, as of March 19, all book drops will be closed. We are asking everyone to hold on to our library materials until we open again.

While we are closed, we don’t want for you to worry about fines and due dates during this stressful time.…

Lindo Promoted to Battalion Chief

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

Lindo Promoted to Battalion Chief

Maui Fire Dept. News Release

The Maui Fire Department is proud to announce the promotions of Henry Lindo Jr. to the rank of Battalion Chief. 

Henry “Hanale” Lindo Jr. joined the department in 1994.  During his career, he was stationed in Paia and Kahului as a Fire Fighter I.  With his promotion to Fire Fighter III in 2005, he served in the Fire Prevention Bureau as a Public Education Officer and a Fire Inspector on both Maui and Molokai.  In 2009, Lindo was promoted to Fire Captain, working first in Kaunakakai, Molokai, then in Ho’olehua, Molokai.

Hanale is a member of the Maui Incident Management Team, the Critical Incident Stress Management Team and the Molokai Fire Task Force. …

The Molokai Dispatch Office Temporarily Closed

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

The Molokai Dispatch News Release

To encourage social distancing recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure the health of our staff, we’ve made the decision to close The Molokai Dispatch and Copy Center office temporarily starting Thursday, March 19. Don’t worry, our staff will still be working hard remotely to produce our island’s newspaper, which will continue to be distributed weekly. To place an ad in the paper, please email To submit articles, releases, letters, announcements or events for the calendar, please email

We know many of you have come to reply on our Copy Center for your printing needs and we apologize for any inconvenience during this time.…

Mayor Announces Emergency Rules for Maui County

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

County of Maui News Release

Mayor Michael Victorino announced a number of Public Health Emergency Rules effective as of 7:45 a.m. Friday, March 20, 2020, directed toward limiting the gathering of groups of people and curtailing vehicular transportation except for essential activities or operation of essential business or government functions, such as travel to and from work and medical appointments.

 “We need to take dramatic action to limit the spread of this infectious virus,” Mayor Victorino said. “We cannot do this alone, so we’re asking our community to follow these rules and look out for one another as we face this unprecedented crisis.”…

Molokai Hemp Operations to Begin

Wednesday, December 18th, 2019

Molokai Hemp Operations to Begin

The new year will bring a new crop to be grown on Molokai. A company called Archipelago Ventures has announced it will begin hemp production on the island, under the local leadership of Adolph Helm, who is serving as general manager. The hemp will be grown for extraction of cannabidiol, or CBDDY: cbd pure hemp oil, for its medical qualities, which is licensed in Hawaii by the state Department of Agriculture.

“Operations will mainly consist of the production and manufacturing of hemp,” said Helm. “Hemp is a specie of cannabis that has many beneficial uses… Within the next upcoming months, plans are in place on Molokai to grow our first small scale production field.”…

Concerns Rise Over Community Health Center

Saturday, October 26th, 2019

Frustrations over staff shortages, concerns about a medical clinic closure in August and what has been called “gross mismanagement” by organization leadership have left a path of broken trust in Molokai’s federally funded Community Health Center. Tensions have recently come to a head, and many community members and politicians are calling for the resignation of Health Center leadership.

Patients and family members have recounted how a clinic closure for four days on Aug. 22, 23, 26 and 27, as well as failures to refill prescriptions, make timely appointments and other issues with the Health Center have left them and their families in challenging or potentially life threatening situations.…

Gerry Anderson: ‘A Wonderful Life’

Thursday, September 5th, 2019

Gerry Anderson: ‘A Wonderful Life’

Longtime Molokai resident and former owner of The Molokai Dispatch, Gerry Anderson, has passed away at the age of 83, leaving a legacy of travel, science, kindness and a newspaper. He and his wife, Edie, lived in West Molokai since 1987, 18 years of which he battled lymphoma, while they pursued their love of world travel.

“When he was in the last few days, he looked at me and said, ‘You know, I’ve had a wonderful life,’” Edie recalled. “He meant it… He had a traumatic childhood but he didn’t dwell on it. Everything he did, he was self-made.”

Gerry was born in China in 1935 and grew up in New Jersey.…

Molokai Getting WiFi Hotspots

Wednesday, July 25th, 2018

Kalaupapa settlement now has 10 free public WiFi hotspots, with locations also coming to Kaunakakai, the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) has announced. The hotspots will provide one hours of free service per day per device, provided by Spectrum. The Molokai hotspots are among at least 1,000 hotspots that were required as part of the agreement of transfer of Oceanic Time Warner Cable to Charter Communications, known as Spectrum.

The Kalaupapa WiFi hotspots are part of the first wave of public hotspots now active or underway on Molokai, Maui, Kauai and Oahu. Kaunakakai’s hotspots are scheduled for installation this fall, according to the DCCA, though they did not say where they will be located or how many are planned.…