
Molokai Scholarship Deadline Extended

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

MOM Hui News Release

Due to COVID-19 setbacks The MOM Hui’s Ho’ola Hou 2020-2021 college scholarship application deadline has been extended to Friday, May 29. For more information or to request an application, please contact Mercy Ritte at…

Save the Arts Center

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

MAC News Release

Government mandates to close schools and stay at home closed our doors over a month ago. The Molokai Arts Center (MAC) has had no income for our basic expenses such as rent, utilities, and staffing to keep our nonprofit going. Our income from keiki classes, workshops, studio memberships, Alu Like Kupuna Program, Molokai Middle School Hawaiian Language Immersion Program, UPLINK, Kualapu’u School 21st Century Program, adult classes, and Maui Community College classes came to a complete halt. Concern is growing as COVID-19 continues to shape the way we operate.

Honolulu Magazine, in conjunction with the Hawaii Community Foundation, has repurposed Give Big Hawaii into The Aloha Campaign platform to assist in raising critical funds for nonprofits in Hawaii during this time of exceptional need.…

Molokai Benefits From Council’s Proposed Budget

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

Molokai Benefits From Council’s Proposed Budget

Keani Rawlins-Fernandez News Release

On April 30, Council’s Economic Development and Budget committee rose to the challenge of what will likely be remembered as the most strenuous Budget Session: “The Coronavirus Deliberations,” and recommended passage of the fiscal year 2020-2021 budget.

The Council worked collaboratively with the Administration, remaining flexible and responsive to residents’ needs, and acted upon community requests to invest in a “new normal” after emerging from the statewide shutdown. The Council’s proposed $816.5 million budget reduced the Mayor’s $869.8 million proposed budget by approximately $53 million, which includes aid for Molokai residents and businesses to help recover from impacts of COVID-19.…

Local Food for Local Needs

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

As the effects of COVID-19 continue and many families face financial hardship, the Molokai community is coming together to make sure everyone stays fed. Last week, an effort spear-headed by nonprofit Sust’aina ble Molokai, through the Maui Food Bank’s Molokai food pantry organizations and many volunteers, brought 400 pounds of Molokai-grown kalo, 340 pounds of locally caught fish, 400 pounds of Molokai-raised shrimp, and 50 pounds of Molokai-grown egg-plant, beans and papayas to those in need.

“On the one hand, it’s sad to see people out of work and more people in need, but it’s exciting to see the community coming together, to see all the resources we have on island being put to use,” said Harmonee Williams, Sust’aina ble Molokai executive director.…

Reopening Discussions Begin Cautiously

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Coronavirus cases across the state have declined significantly, with single digit new cases being reported for several days as of Sunday, while the Molokai count remains at two. Leaders across Hawaii and the U.S. are discussing the phasing and timing of reopening businesses and activities, and though Hawaii has among the lowest number of deaths nationwide at 17 as of Sunday, the state remains cautious.

“As the discussion occurs all over the world discerning when the right time will be to re-open… it’s imperative that we, in Hawaii, heed the lessons from other places, and employ the things that have worked and avoid repeating the things that haven’t,” wrote County Councilmember Keani Rawlins-Fernandez on social media.…

Farmer Relief Program

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

HDOA News Release

The Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) mailed out the first batch of checks under the COVID-19 Emergency Farmer Relief Program last week. Four Molokai grants are among the recipients. HDOA received 333 applications for the grants and was able to award 106 proposals that ranged from $2,000 for individual farmers and ranchers and up to $10,000 for nonprofit organizations, commodity groups, and agricultural associations that have experienced financial damage due to the COVID-19 emergency.

The total funding for the program was $250,000 which was drawn from the State’s barrel tax fund (Agriculture Development and Food Security Special Fund) and made available through Gov.…

Young Brothers Requests Once-a-Week Barge to Molokai

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

Young Brothers Requests Once-a-Week Barge to Molokai

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Young Brothers interisland freight company is seeking to make emergency cuts to its shipping schedule, including reducing Molokai’s barge from twice to once weekly. Last Friday, it submitted a filing to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), requesting reduced sailing schedules for Maui and Hawaii counties, effective May 5.

“…During these unprecedent[ed] times where YB is experiencing a drastic drop in cargo volumes and revenues, YB is seeking to cut costs by reducing the number of weekly sailings.…” the company wrote to the PUC.

YB currently has two sailings to Kaunakakai per week, departing from Honolulu on Sundays and Tuesdays.…

National Guard Community Service

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

National Guard Community Service

By Catherine Cluett Pactol

The seven members of the Hawaii National Guard currently on Molokai for a month helped in various community causes and events last week, in addition to their primary tasks of performing thermal scans for departing passengers at the Molokai Airport and assisting the Molokai Police Dept. Molokai’s own Staff Sgt. Laurence Kimoha’e Puailihau, Jr. was among those who assisted Kualapu’u Market staff as they reopened their doors to customers last week. He said guardsmen are also helping distribute meals at Molokai High Schoo’s Grab and Go program during the week, and last Saturday, assisted during the chili plate distribution at Lanikeha.…

Science Education Fund Scholarship Extended

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

Bayer News Release

In response to challenges facing Hawaii’s educators during the coronavirus situation, the application deadline for the Bayer Hawaii Science Education Fund has been extended to May 22. The previous deadline was April 25.

This Bayer Fund grant program is open to public schools serving students at the intermediate, high school and college grade levels on the islands of Oahu, Maui and Molokai, where Bayer farms.

Established in 2005, the Bayer Hawaii Science Education Fund helps provide Hawaii public schools with programs, tools, supplies and equipment to enhance science education in the schools, and encourages today’s students to consider a future career in the sciences.…

Bag All Rubbish

Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

County of Maui News Release

During this difficult time, please observe the following practices to help protect our Molokai Landfill trash collection staff and our community.

Please, no loose trash. All waste should be bagged before delivering it to Landfill or placing it into your trash can for pick up.

Securely tie-off trash bags — double bagging is always appreciated! Try to get as much air out of your trash bags as possible prior to tying it off. This will maximize the amount of waste you can fit in your trash cans!

Don’t overfill the County trash can. Overfilled containers spill, exposing workers and the community to possible injury and illness.…