Budget for New County Ag Dept.
Maui County News Release
Molokai residents are invited to join a virtual community meeting that will be held at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15 to gather public input on the new Department of Agriculture’s fiscal year 2023 budget.
The County will consider funding requests and priorities suggested by the community for the Department of Agriculture that will open in July.
“We invite our farmers, ranchers and interested residents to get involved in making plans for this new department,” Mayor Michael Victorino said. “The County Department of Agriculture will meet our community’s needs by supporting local farmers and ranchers to help improve food security, build our agricultural workforce and promote new opportunities for economic diversification. I remind everyone to buy local whenever possible.”
The meeting will be held via BlueJeans. To participate, go to bluejeans.com/760569269?src=join_info.
Participants can also call in by dialing one of the following numbers:
+1.408.915.6290 (United States (San Jose))
+1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))
Meeting ID: 760 569 269
Enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by #
If you’re connecting from a room system, dial bjn.vc or and enter your meeting ID and passcode.
For those who are unable to attend the meeting but wish to provide input, please email Mayors.Office@mauicounty.gov with your recommendations.
In 2020, Maui County voters approved a Charter amendment to establish a Department of Agriculture in the County of Maui. The chapter for the new department is effective July 1, 2022.
Work to establish the department is focused on its overall direction, organization, powers, duties and functions. The revised Charter has established appointment procedures for the director and deputy director of the department.
To see the Department of Agriculture’s website go to mauicounty.gov/2473/Department-of-Agriculture.

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