Off the Bottle
Meeting to discuss how to combat underage drinking.
Neighborhood Place of Wailuku News Release
Maui County is one of hundreds of communities nationwide that will conduct town hall meetings to discuss and raise awareness of the problem of underage drinking. Parents, teachers, officials, youth and other community members will be educated about the impact that underage drinking has on the community, and they will develop possible ways to address this issue. The Neighborhood Place of Wailuku (NPW), County of Maui – Department Housing & Human Concerns, and the Maui Police Department, in collaboration with the State Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division (ADAD) is sponsoring these meetings.
The Molokai meeting will take place on Nov. 19 at the Molokai High School Library from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
The meeting will increase community awareness on underage drinking, identify how underage drinking affects the community, and brainstorm possible solutions.
Last year, Maui Police Department juvenile investigators made at least 88 arrests for underage drinking. Each day, 7000 children in the U.S. under the age of 16 take their first drink. Drinking and driving accidents are the number one cause of death among teenagers. More than 12,000 young Americans are killed each year in accidents involving young people and alcohol. Forty thousand Americans are disfigured each year in accidents involving young people and alcohol.
Any interested individual, families, schools, agencies, organizations and businesses are encouraged to attend. Meetings are free and open to the public.
For information or questions: Contact Michele or I’okepa of the Neighborhood Place of Wailuku at 986-0700.

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