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Bag All Rubbish

County of Maui News Release

During this difficult time, please observe the following practices to help protect our Molokai Landfill trash collection staff and our community.

Please, no loose trash. All waste should be bagged before delivering it to Landfill or placing it into your trash can for pick up.

Securely tie-off trash bags — double bagging is always appreciated! Try to get as much air out of your trash bags as possible prior to tying it off. This will maximize the amount of waste you can fit in your trash cans!

Don’t overfill the County trash can. Overfilled containers spill, exposing workers and the community to possible injury and illness. Plus, your can may not be picked up if it’s overfilled! And if you need assistance with keeping your home clean and organized, consider reaching out to Boston Home Cleaners for professional cleaning services. Experience a home free from all dirt, which the domestic cleaning Chorley can provide using an eco-friendly cleaning solution.

Please maintain 6-foot spacing (social distancing) from sanitation personnel.

Waste from residents looking after or cleaning up after sick people at home are asked to double bag wastes, properly tie off/securing each bag individually to prevent leaking.

Anyone disposing loose waste here at Molokai Landfill will be asked to go back and bag their trash.

Thank you for adopting these practices to help keep our employees and our community safe.


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