Backyard Gardens, New Thinking
Community Contributed
By Joe Kennedy
We have so many problems. Write down a list of the world’s most pressing problems and it will become clear that things are dangerously close to more widespread pain and suffering. Global warming, drought, flooding, starvation and warfare are increasing. Agriculture is the world’s biggest polluter in the form of soil erosion and pesticide and herbicide use. But on the other hand, there’s a new kind of thinking out there that latches on to a certain kind of change and it’s called quantum physics. This new way of thinking is even favorably affecting farming methods and what to do with profits. Quantum physics scientists are now saying that we can change the way we think and change the world into a beautiful place.
Food shortage and not enough people farming are causing global concern. People are also so worried about food safety and food security that they forget there is a simple solution. The answer begins with getting more knowledge about these problems and starting a new kind of thinking. Having safe food can result from having our own gardens. Having food stockpiled in living plants and trees in your own backyard can result from our own gardens. It would end these feelings of insecurity.
Almost everybody should have their own garden. There’s a lot of land, water and fertilizers being wasted right in our towns. Food security would happen automatically because garden abundance and excess would be given away to friends. This method would also help food safety because these people would help the grower with information on safe practices and keep him honest by observing his growing and pest control methods.
But a new way of thinking has to be simultaneous with this. Our entire world society has to re-think about our place in life and if we are helping our brothers and sisters get a higher quality of life, good physical and emotional health and happiness. This new way of thinking is not all about jacking up as much money and luxury as you can. It’s about fixing environmental problems and social problems. It’s not about TV, iPods, videos, sporting events, nightclubs, etc.; it’s about learning and turning this knowledge into enhancing the planet like a doctor fixing a sick person. You can accomplish two goals at one time for fitness by working out in the fields and forests.
All people, in all walks of life, can start looking at the environment and how nature works. Start making connections between businesses, family and politics to truly and substantially enhance the environment.
Aloha everybody. Please keep mulching. Please keep learning from the Internet, other gardeners, the extension agents, about the plants. Save water any way you can.
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