Monday, March 14th, 2011
Marcus Quiniones wanted to tell stories. After working for years in in the arts dancing, writing and acting, he realized getting paid to do all three was inspiration enough to continue.
Quiniones, who was born on Molokai and moved to Seattle during high school, was on-island last week to teach importance of art and performance art to the students of Molokai High School during Future Fest.
A local twist on the traditional high school career day, Molokai High School (MHS) teamed up with five organizations on the island to present traditional and non-traditional career paths.
Around 200 of the school’s 340 students signed up to participate in the all-day event, and broke up into small groups which rotate around 14 various stations.
Local Inspiration
The students at Quiniones’ station listed off their desired careers: musician, chef, something in performing arts. One student asked what Quiniones’ biggest challenge was. “Discouragement,” he said.
Alcon invited the students to submit their own designs. Junior James Duffy was one student working on a design at Alcon’s booth. He said it was “inspirational” to see people with similar interests doing well. Besides entrepreneurship, Duffy said he was also interested in graphic design and photojournalism.
“There are a variety of things to see” at Future Fest, he said.
The fest featured the school’s six career pathways, designed to help the students take the right classes for the profession they want: business, the arts, health, industrial or engineering, natural resources, and public/human service.
Senior Diamond Corpuz said she has been focused on going into elementary education, but she also looked into photography at the career fest.
“I like to learn about new cultures,” she said. Her friend, freshman Mariah Dudoit, said she’d like to be a paramedic but took in the diversity of careers available.
A mechanic, oceanographer, worm farmer, chef, and construction manager were among the careers represented. There were also various organizations and programs associated with the University of Hawaii.
Takata said this year’s career day was designed to expose students to post-high school opportunities, whether the student chooses further schooling or vocational training.
Quiniones also said one student showed interest in pursuing dance after high school.
“I saw her enthusiasm for dance, and I knew she had the same thing in her heart for performing art” as Quiniones does, he added. “She came back and asked questions; I encouraged her to go for her dreams. Dance might lead you somewhere else.”
Participating organizations in MHS’ Future Fest includes Kamehameha Schools, Na Pua No`eau, Gear Up, Friends of Molokai High and Intermediate School, Maui County AHEC (Huli Au Ola).