Author Archives: Colleen Uechi

Veterans Benefit Workshop

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

MVCV News Release

The Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans (MVCV) are hosting our second Veterans Affairs Benefits Workshop on Molokai on Saturday, Nov. 15, at Hale Mahaolu Home Pumehana in Kaunakakai from 9 to noon.  The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hopes to have two workshops a year on Molokai.

Several VA benefits personell will be at the workshop to provide information. These include the VA Honolulu Regional Office Director of Benefits, Tracey Betts, and her staff, Rommel Dasmarinas, benefits counselor; Richard McDonald, Vocational Rehab and Employment counselor; and others. They will offer information on topics like medical travel, loan guaranty, death benefits and any other veteran issues.…

Molokai Fitness: Why Are We Getting Overweight?

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

Community Contributed

By Ayda Ersoy

Do we get fat because we overeat? Or do we overeat because our fat tissue and our genetics effect our body and cause it to accumulate excess fat? Actually both are true to some extent.  Remember that anything that you eat that’s beyond your immediate need for energy creates new body fat.

A study by Colorado University showed that one third of all women and one quarter of all men in the U.S. are on a diet right now! I could tell you endless reasons why we struggle with our weight, and why being overweight is connected with so many other health problems, but here are a few of them: Increased portion size of restaurant food and grocery products; Mislabeling on the packaged food; Artificial sweeteners; Soft drinks; Consuming many more calories than we need; Sedentary lifestyle; Increased intake of processed food; Increased sugar intake; Using food for our emotional needs, or giving it as a “gift” to our kids; We are not paying attention to our bodies actual need for food.…

Continuing Quest in Sexual Violence Prevention

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

Consuelo Foundation, Molokai News Release

The Consuelo Team of Molokai continues to do primary education on the prevention of sexual violence with an emphasis on prevention of child sexual abuse.  In September, we had a two-day training session with the Sexual Abuse Treatment Center facilitated by the Education Coordinator HaeOk Miller.  In lieu of our training, women from different on-island agencies were invited to have lunch on Sept. 5 with HaeOk.  The discussion included on how we all can collaborate as a community to protect our children against this prevalent but quiet issue.

On Oct. 16, Dr. Barry Coyne, state prison psychologist, had an opportunity to meet with both on-island agencies and community members discussing what happens to “sex offenders” and how they are rehabilitated back into the community. …

Featured Farmer

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

Featured Farmer

HTFG Molokai News Release

Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers (HTFG) is a statewide nonprofit organization, dedicated to tropical fruit research, education, marketing and promotion. The Molokai Chapter is made up of members that are home gardeners, small scale farmers and interested community members who meet monthly to share ideas about promoting products, skills and agricultural opportunities.

This month’s featured farmer is Michigan-born Jamie Ronzello who runs her family-owned Barking Deer Farm off Maunaloa Highway. Years ago, her college degree focused on cultural anthropology, and she is right at home farming on Molokai with its rich history. Jamie is a super busy, young farmer who delivers her “Beyond Organic” fresh vegetables to Molokai stores and Paddlers Inn and enjoys being a beekeeper.…

Having a Blast

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

Having a Blast

Pirates, dragonflies, clowns and cats all made an appearance at last Saturday’s Molokai Master Blasters, the annual canoe race for the young at heart that involves paddling, drinking and dressing in costume. Pictured here are the Pinao-`ula, or dragonflies, of Molokai, which were among 17 teams from the island and around the state this year. The event – the only one of its kind — is held as a fundraiser for the Molokai Canoe Club.

Each team is made up of six men, age 40 and up for a total crew age of 300 years minimum, or six women, 35 and up totaling at least 250 in age.…

Students Get a Glimpse of the Future

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

Students Get a Glimpse of the Future

Thousands of miles away from the quiet streets of The Friendly Isle, Molokai High students braved crowded subways and the fast-paced lifestyle of New York City. The students experienced both the East Coast and post-high school life during a six-day tour of colleges and workplaces.

“It’s so exciting,” said junior Misty Parker at an Oct. 30 community presentation of the students’ trip. “You always have to be on your guard, because there’s just people everywhere.”

High school educator Ric Ornellas, who lived in New York for 40 years, came up with the idea to visit New York over a year ago and helped form the Molokai College Career Tour Club (MCCTC), a group focused on preparing students for higher education and the workforce.…

Farmers Pack Up Rifles for the Season

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

Farmers Pack Up Rifles for the Season

When Molokai’s history-making air riflery season came to an end, the Farmers were exactly where they wanted to be: at the state championship on Oahu. The MIL-champion Farmers shot their final competition last Tuesday, with the boys’ team coming in fifth out of seven boys’ teams and individual girls’ shooter Hi`ilani Kanuha finishing 50th in a field of 60.

“It was an eye opener and so much fun for the kids,” said girls’ coach Chinky Hubbard, who attended the state competition for the first time as a coach. “… We went over there and just tried to beat our scores that we performed at MILs.”…

Molokai Represented by Four Runners at States

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

Last year, cross country runner Luke Kikukawa was Molokai’s only representative at the state cross country championships, but this season, he didn’t have to go alone.  He and four other teammates qualified for states, and four total Farmers ran at the event last Saturday.

“It gave me a lot more confidence,” said Kikukawa. “During the lineup I had three people with me instead of just [being] by myself. It was a lot less intimidating.”

Joining Kikukawa were Keaolono Ross, Markis-Grayson Aldridge and Kaina Adolpho. This year’s championship featured 199 girls and 199 boys from across the state. Ross was the top Farmer finisher at 67th place overall.…

‘Lightning Strikes Twice’

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

‘Lightning Strikes Twice’

Two Molokai High seniors got a quite a surprise two weeks ago. Little did Sarah Jenkins and Luke Kikukawa know that as they were sitting in their respective classes, a top secret mission was underway.

Sneaking through the halls of Molokai High with two giant, four-foot $10,000 checks, MHS Principal Stan Hao, Nordstrom Ala Moana Store Manager Brian Tatsumura, and other representatives and faculty stopped in front of two classrooms. They were preparing to make a big announcement: Jenkins and Kikukawa had each won a hefty check from the Nordstrom Scholarship Program.

“It’s sort of like a SWAT Team conducting maneuvers to take their opponent by stratagem in secret,” said Hao of the surprise operation.…

Football Next Stop: MIL Title Game

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

Football Next Stop: MIL Title Game

Farmers Football played their last home game of the season Saturday, defeating the Hana Dragons 71-21 and improving their record 4-1. Ena Victorino scored four touchdowns, while John-Michael Mokiao-Duvauchelle threw two touchdown passes, and Decker Bicoy returned an interception for a score.

Winning the Maui Interscholastic League eight-player football tournament semi-final game assures the Farmers a spot in the MIL Championship. They will play Seabury on Thursday at Maui’s War Memorial Stadium.…