Author Archives: Colleen Uechi

Little League Season Opener

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

Little League Season Opener

The Molokai Little League Minors division games opened on April 4. With three teams competing this year, the season will run until May 22.

The league is looking for more volunteers and kids for 11/12 Major League. Please contact Jonna “Minky” Hoopai Molokai Little League President at

Play Ball!…

Molokai Weighs In On NextEra Merger

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Representatives of NextEra, the Florida-based energy company proposing a merger with Hawaiian Electric, visited Molokai last week with plans to hold an open house to meet residents and answer questions. Concerned community members, however, had other plans.

Standing in a circle amid NextEra’s large, colorful posters and blue-shirted staff, local attendees requested a meeting format in which all their answers could be answered at once and heard by all.

“We want to know what is going on, as a group – that’s Molokai style,” said local activist Walter Ritte.

NextEra officials, joined by Maui Electric representatives, obliged.  With no seating planned for the open house format, everyone stood for the next three hours and discussed the merger and its implications for Hawaii’s energy future.…

Mana for Mauna Kea

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Mana for Mauna Kea

Ongoing efforts to protect Mauna Kea’s peak, considered sacred by Native Hawaiians, from an 18-story tall structure called Thirty Meter Telescope, has gone international, with Molokai residents joining in the protests and social media buzz.

Pictured here, local community members rallied along Maunaloa Highway last week, holding signs and raising awareness.

Mauna Kea’s peak is viewed as one of the most sacred sites in Hawaii, and Molokai activist Walter Ritte is leading efforts to protect it from a 14th telescope.

“There’s certain places where you just cannot compromise anymore. There’s just too much that’s been lost in the Hawaiian community. So I think this is gonna be one of those positions where the Hawaiians are gonna come out and demand that they protect this sacred mountain.…

New College Coordinator is a Familiar Face

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

New College Coordinator is a Familiar Face

This month, Kelley Dudoit officially stepped in as Coordinator of the University of Hawaii’s Maui College, Molokai site (UHMCM). And while new to the job, the Molokai High graduate and seven-year UHMCM employee is no stranger to the community she serves.

“Kelley is the best of both worlds, both Molokai and UH,” said former coordinator Donna Haytko-Paoa, who retired at the end of last year. “She’s about staying on the island and taking the long haul.”

After Haytko-Paoa retired last year, Dudoit applied for the coordinator position, and she underwent an interview with a screening committee before being chosen. Her first day of work was April 1.…

Volleyball Celebrates Lone Senior

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Volleyball Celebrates Lone Senior

The Molokai boys’ volleyball team hosted Seabury Hall this past weekend, and after a 3-1 loss on Friday night (25-13, 19-25, 25-21 and 25-22) the Farmers played a thrilling five-set match Saturday, but again lost to Seabury 3-2 (23-25, 21-25, 25-17, 25-15 and 15-11). Molokai is now 3-6 on the season. Seabury is 4-4.

On Saturday the Farmers took the first two games, but Seabury fought back and took the next three sets in a row to win the match.

Friday night was also Senior Night for Tanielu Falealii, the team’s only senior.

Coach Hale Domingo praised Falealii for his spirit and hard work.…

County Passes Ferry Resolution

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

While the Maui County Council has yet to decide exactly what type of assistance to extend to Molokai’s floundering ferry system, councilmembers are nearly unanimous in their support of the ferry’s operations.

At their April 7 meeting, councilmembers passed a resolution urging Mayor Alan Arakawa to seek a subsidy for the ferry, which the Lahaina Cruise Company (LCC) reports has lost both riders and funds over the past year.

Councilmember Stacy Crivello introduced the resolution, which asked the mayor to propose an amendment to the fiscal year 2015 budget to appropriate $500,000 to the ferry. The money would come from the county’s Economic Development Revolving Fund (EDRF), which, according to the resolution, currently has an estimated balance of $1 million.…

Keeping an Eye Out for Keiki  

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Keeping an Eye Out for Keiki   

As Child Abuse Prevention Month began at the Molokai Public Library last week, groups of kids wandered around the lawn with shiny blue pinwheels, chatting and smiling with friends and family. For organizers of the event, it was the kind of childhood they hoped to promote for all island keiki.

About 50 community members gathered at the library to plant pinwheels and flags to raise awareness and promote prevention of child abuse and neglect.

“It’s always fun to be a child,” said Anella Saito-Takabayashi, who works with Catholic Charities Hawaii and the Ho`oikaika Partnership, a coalition of 40 child abuse prevention agencies in Maui County.…

Be Part of the Plan

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

Community Contributed

By Steve Chaikin, Chair, Molokai CPAC

Over the next six months, the Molokai Community Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) will be meeting to recommend revisions to update the Molokai Community Plan. The Plan will then be reviewed by the Molokai Planning Commission and approved by the County Council.  When the process is complete, this plan will provide direction for future growth of our island and identify key actions for county agencies to implement over the next twenty years.  The Maui County Planning Department has a new division specifically tasked with implementing community plans.

All of our meetings are open to the public.…

County Explores Avenues for Ferry Aid

Friday, April 10th, 2015

The Maui County Council is taking the first steps toward addressing the struggling Molokai ferry, which has seen decreases in riders and funds within the past year.

Councilmember Stacy Helm Crivello, who represents Molokai on the nine-person council, introduced a resolution last week urging Mayor Alan Arakawa to seek significant financial support for the Lahaina Cruise Company (LCC), which runs the ferry service between Maui and Molokai.

The resolution requested that the mayor to propose an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget that would appropriate $500,000 to the ferry. The money would come from the county’s Economic Development Revolving Fund (EDRF), which, according to the resolution, currently has an estimated balance of $1 million.…

Ukulele Ohana Molokai Returns

Friday, April 10th, 2015

Fullheart Productions News Release

This coming Memorial Day weekend, May 22-26, the sounds of the happiest instrument on earth will once again fill the lodge at Pu`u O Hoku Ranch as the Ukulele Ohana Molokai workshop and its teacher Lono, return for the fourth year in a row.

The theme this year will be Mele O`o or powerful music.  Participants will be coming from around the world to learn the deep roots of Old Style Hawaiian music with Lono on their ukuleles, and to experience the vibrant community of Molokai. When asked what inspires him to write and teach Lono says, “The line between the past and the present, through our ancestors, prepares us for the future.…