Friday, December 11th, 2009
Donald Sunshine had one terrible day of traveling. While coming back to Molokai from his other home in Virginia, he and his wife missed their flight from Honolulu to Molokai due to a previous four-hour delay; his luggage was torn to pieces; and his finger slashed open traveling to his hotel. But Sunshine, channeling his last name, was able to laugh it off.
Sunshine shared this story and many more like it in his newest book, “Life’s Moments.” He was at Molokai Public Library last week to discuss the collection of short stories that focus mostly on his grandfather.
“In these troubled times I was inspired by remembering my grandfather and his gift of trying to find the humor in things,” he said.
The book is also filled with life lessons Sunshine picked up on the road. A common theme for Sunshine is traveling, as it lends itself to many horror-turned-humor accounts.
One story which he read to the audience is called “The Reluctant Traveler,” where he recounts his attempts at packing for himself for the first time, and forgets his shorts. They were vacationing in Tahiti.
Joanne Sunshine, who Donald calls his ‘guiding force,’ smiled at these shared memories as they were read and interjected some more humor into the live reading.
The Sunshines’ have lived in Molokai and their farm in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia for 10 years. He is a Professor Emeritus of architecture at Virginia Tech, and has written several architecture books, five Molokai-focused books (including a themed “Molokai Moments”), and 13 volumes of sketchbooks.
“Life’s Moments” is available at the Big Wind Kite Factory, Molokai Fish and Dive, Molokai Drugs, Coffees of Hawaii, Import Gift Shop and The Local Store (Hotel Molokai).
Sunshine left his audience with some advice.
“I thought it’s a special time when we need faith, hope, and humor,” he said. “I’d like to suggest ‘lighten up.’”