Aunty’s Corner February 9
Aloha, aunty here…Auwe, my heart is heavy because another of our beloved kupuna has passed away. Aunty Ku`ulei, to me, was the spirit of Aloha and Molokai. The very first day I came to Home Pumehana with my niece Teri, she greeted me at the door, gave me a hug and said that she went to school with my sister and that they were a spunky couple of kids. We would go to Coffees of Hawaii where she held court with her darling hat and the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. She wouldn’t take no for an answer if you didn’t want to perform and even if you were not the greatest she was very encouraging. She had a way with the eye. When she was in the hospital, the staff would try to keep the visitors to a minimum but alas, not to be, there was food, singing and dancing. If I ever had to be there in hospital, I hope that that will happen for me. I shall miss her along with Aunty Dora and Shawn who also played with the gang.
My daughter and granddaughter came for a week for my birthday. Nan, Todd’s mom, hosted us at the Mahana Nursery for cake and ice cream. Nan and Dusty, along with her friend from high school are working very hard to restore the nursery to its former glory. They have done wonders! My family wanted to see everything. I need a vacation from my vacation. While we were gone holoholo we stopped at the Kualapu`u shopping center. I went to my favorite clothing store, Vintage Aloha Wear, only to find that she is going out of business. She said that she’ll be around for a while but will be closing. I’m so sad, I love to shop there. We also went to Molokai Furniture to drool over the fabulous furniture there. Such beautiful things. The waves at Papohaku were huge. I was worried my granddaughter would get caught in the under tow even though she was wading. As my daughter and granddaughter left my oldest daughter came in. She’s been here several times before and helped me to move into Home Pumehana. She is driving all over so you might see her and say aloha. Coming next on the 8th is Eileen Holloway. She used to work at Kaluakoi Hotel for 10 years. Those of you who remember her be sure to say aloha. She said she just wants to wander around town and see everyone. Whew! Lots of activity.
Does anyone have any suggestions for the mosquitoes? I remember when I lived in Naval housing there was a truck that came around and sprayed for mosquitoes. The mosquitos love my daughters and me. We’ve sprayed and put stuff on to stop the itch but no such luck. Suggestions will be accepted at The Dispatch.
Speaking of Papohaku can anyone tell me about the dune area just before the beach? I think I remember reading somewhere that that area was once a cemetery. If it was, shouldn’t it be closed off? Just a question. Would you let me know at The Dispatch? Mahalo.
Well I guess I’ve rattled on long enough. It’s so good to be back. Much aloha to all of you. Aunty Kapua

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