Aunty’s Corner

Aloha Aunty, here again.  I want to thank the wonderful young woman who helped me when I fell in front of the library.  She was standing across the street and yelled to see if I was okay. Lawdy, Lawdy, Ms. Claudy! I was so embarrassed with my `elemu showing for all to see. I don’t know your name but mahalo nui loa.  

I started my Intro to Hawaiian Culture: Communication Basic Language and Phrases class taught by Kumu Hokulani Holt-Padilla.  Education has sure changed since I was in school 50 years ago.  We are hooked up to Lanai, Lahaina, Hana, and the main campus on Maui.  We are able to see and hear each other.  Monday we had a movie in class and had to turn in our first paper.  We have to do three papers, two tests, and one project.  Hoo Wee, just like that!  If they keep offering this type of class I would like to continue to maybe get a degree, not too late, huh?  Speaking of school, a young lady came in for a passport photo to go on a class trip to Japan.  Man, did I ever miss out at my school.  We didn’t get to do any of that then.  How great for the students.

Did you go to the film fest?  I was so impressed with the films the young people are doing today.  The film on The Massacre at Kapoa Beach was so moving to me that I went over to Anakala and cried.  There was my sister so happy and alive and I cried even more.  How fun to have Brother Noland and his brother, Tony Conjugation play music and watch Scarlett, her daughters, and Aunty Julia dance the hula.

Did you see any meteors during the shower?  Some people saw tons but I only saw one.  It looked so close that I thought I could touch it.  I met up with the Red Hat ladies who were headed to Hotel Molokai for brunch.  They want me to remind you that there is a swap meet the first Saturday of the month in Maunaloa and that the House of Blessings is there for all who need help with items like clothes and household items.

Well, I guess this is all for now.  Aloha and hui hou, Aunty Kapua


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