Aunty’s Corner
Aloha, Aunty here again. Election times are coming up with the primary in September. There are sure a lot of candidates running. I’ve been calling all of them and have been talking with interesting people.
Abby and I went to the blessing of E. Mo’omomi Road. We sat with the Alu Like kupuna while they tuned up and practiced their mele. We then walked over to the tent and listened to the music and the speakers. The MC was Bob Hall. Poor Mr. Hall, I went up to him and said we might be related because I had an Uncle Bob Hall. He was very gracious and laughed. I’ll bet he thought I was really off. I got a kiss from the Lt. Governor but then he kissed all the ladies. I’ll bet its more fun then kissing all the babies.
I had to go to Honolulu for a doctor’s appointment and went a day early to stay with my cousin. I saw Knight and Day with her and her office. So funny, but then I don’t get to go to movies very often so I really liked it. I’m not a Tom Cruise fan though. He looks like he’s had too many face lifts. The young ladies here in the Dispatch didn’t like it. After the movie we went to Becu di Becco. I’ve never seen so much food in my life! They had to take home at least 20 boxes of leftovers, really. It was embarrassing to go to the doctor’s office and be weighed in only to be told I’d gained. Well, duh, but then she didn’t know about all the food. While in Honolulu we went to mass at the sweetest church, St. Peters and St. Paul. They had a piano player, stand up bass, ukulele, flautist (flute player), trumpet player and singers. They’ve even have made a cd of their music.
Have you seen the great water fall at the bend in the road going to the east end where the ranch is? I think it’s the three sisters. So beautiful I bet that if you could go to the bottom of the fall the ground would be shaking. We’ve been having some of the most unusual rainbows over the hills looking east from town. Instead of the arch they are flat like a curtain. I could watch them for hours. I wish I knew the correct chant for rain so I could ask the rain goddess for help with our drought. The clouds just come over and tease us and then they disappear. Don’t worry, I won’t do a chant unless I had studied for years before and I have not. I’m just a beginner of things Hawaiian. My sister started me on my path 35 years ago.
I thought that I’d be able to have the Hui at Home Pumehana have a bingo fund raising event but was told that it is illegal in Hawaii. So we’re back to the drawing board to raise funds. I was reading in the AARP newsletter that Tony Fisher of the Maui Chapter is interested in coming over to Molokai for the CarFit program. This program helps you adjust your car for the safest way to drive. He also wants to come early to offer the Driving Safety Class. I highly recommend you take this class; I saved a lot of money on my car insurance. It usually costs $20. Also here are recycling tips from AARP that I thought were really good: if you have a water bottle with some left in it use is for your plants or steam iron or car windshield wiper, and keep a fork and a coffee cup in your cloth bag to use instead of foam cups and plastic forks. Also, be sure to bring your cloth bag to the grocery store to save on plastic bags. If you’ve ever driven from Lahaina to Kahului you’ll notice the tree that has all plastic bags stuck on it. It’s just awful.
Aloha to all the ‘ohana that have lost loved ones this month. I send you my aloha and prayers. I think of you often even though I don’t know most of you. It is so hard to lose a loved one I know.
Me Ke Aloha Pumehana Aunty Kapua

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