Aunty’s Corner
Aloha `auinala! Bingo fever has hit Home Pumehana. Keep an eye out for our bingo fundraiser that is just getting planned. We are raising funds to take everyone out to dinner at the hotel for Christmas. We pay for everyone so no-one pays and even bring home the dinner to the ones that are shut in. Besides the dinner, we must pay for the transportation for those that can’t drive. We raise funds from our Coke machine but will need much more. Of course, we do take donations. The Hui has been operating on just a President and a Treasurer. We now are up to snuff board wise. Buddy Kruger is VP, Mary Kekaulia is Treasurer and Didi Ka`aikamaka is Secretary. This is the absolutely last year I’m President. I think I’m presidented out.
Kaunoa has changes in the Senior Services Leisure Program. Connie Clew is teaching her great Yoga classes (I know Connie; I’m really trying to get there). It’s exciting to find that Aunty Pearl Souza is well and back teaching ukulele. She is so patient! There is also a new hula instructor in the program. Her name is Valerie Dudoit Temahaga. Hula is the best exercise in town. Besides, it really helps keep those gray cells sharp because of the memorization.
Our beautiful St. Sophia Church was burnt as you know. We’ve been at the Molokai Health Center and now we’ve travelled to the Kalanianaole Hall. What wonderful places to hold services. The breezes waft over us and the ocean is murmuring. We are kind of like the wanderers in the desert but fortunately we don’t have to cross a desert. I understand that the church council is choosing the architect. So, who knows, maybe Father Clyde will be right and we’ll have Christmas in our new church. One of our alter servers is Bronson Manaba. I just love his hair. I am sorry to say that I just had to touch his hair to see how he keeps his spiked hair in place. Wow, it’s like cement, he said it is the gel but I can’t get my hair to do that no matter what I use.
I have someone who is going to try to read my wall hangings. Mrs. Beihl’s son can read and speak Mandarin Chinese besides tons of other languages. I’ll have to let you know what they say. Joan Reed came into the Dispatch Friday and did a portrait of all of us. I think they are really great. What’s the first thing you say when you see yourself in a picture? Me, I said oh look at that saggy chin. No one is satisfied with their looks.
Well my friends, it’s a nahenahe day and I’m going to put my feet up and enjoy it. Mahalo plenty to the Dispatch for the wonderful gift of a scholarship. I’m going to take Beginning Hawaiian Language, Culture and Hawaiian Culture taught by Hokulani Holt-Padilla. You’ll have to help me with the language, I’ll practice on you. A hui hou, Aunty Kapua

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