Aunty’s Corner
Aloha Aunty Here Again,
My dear friend Kealoha has left for the frozen north in Chicago. She called to say she misses the green, swaying palm trees. Kealoha and I went to Coffees of Hawaii the weekend before she left so she could say goodbye to Ohana Hoaloha. It was aunty Ku’ulei’s birthday and we were graced with the Junior Song Leader for the Kamehameha School Contest. We also went to the bazaar at the Middle School. Thank goodness I didn’t take more money. I bought oranges, papaya, mochi, and a flower for my hair. From there we went to Maunaloa for Music Saturday with Lono at the Kite Shop. It was so cool to see so many people there. I needed at jacket because it was so cold and Aunty Jan whipped one off the rack and gave it to me. I was so surprised. I gave her a donation. She said everything is free but I told her I wanted to share the aloha she has by my donation for those who can’t.
I have never seen so many people come in for passport photos here. I guess the Philippine Consulate is arriving in a few weeks and they need to get passports updated. Such nice people to talk with. I so love to meet new people. Tina and Steve are going to Germany, Hong Kong, and S. China. Steve will be working with the governments regarding solid waste to energy and water clarification.
Our really cute young women who work here have decided to get some more tattoos. Kim had her foot done, Heather had one behind her ear and Megan had one on her shoulder. Guess I started a trend. Now I want another one.
I am every excited about the Kamehameha School Guitar Club coming to Molokai to give a concert on April 24th at 4 p.m. at Home Pumehana for all the community. There may be three Molokai boys coming to play with the club. I’ll let you know the names when they are confirmed. We have some new residents that have moved in: Uncle Jessie, Aunty Mele, Uncle Tom, and Aunty Sharon. Welcome to you all. I absolutely love to sit and listen to my aunties that live around me talk story. I am surprised at how many had danced hula in their younger years.
Alulike’s Uncle Clarence made so ono bread pudding. I hope that Heaven has bread pudding. It is my all time favorite dessert. Mahalo, Uncle. You are welcome to make some for me, hint, hint.
Our Punana Leo language classes have been on hold for several weeks. I went to the first class last night. Stress, stress, but it turned out to be a meeting for their fund raiser Ho’omau 2010 on April 10th at the Lanikeha Center. I’m helping Miliopuna sell tickets, $2 each. Come see me and I’ll sell some to you. They have some really great prizes.
Well, I guess I’ve babbled on long enough. I love talking to you all. Remember to send me your ideas. Me Kealoha Pumehana, Aunty

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