Aunty’s Corner
Aloha Aunty here. Wow, Lono told me that Uncle Herb, Aunty Julia, DJ and his halau and others will be on the Travel Channel, Jan. 23, at 4 p.m. The program is called “In The Wild.” What a great honor for everyone involved and for Molokai! Aunty and Uncle have such a beautiful place on the fish pond. I could stay there forever but I’m afraid Uncle might make me catch a fish and bite it like I saw him do once. He did teach me how to make a fire in the imu which I thought was great fun.
I had to go to Honolulu for a doctor’s appointment. It was during that horrible rain storm. I wasn’t sure if I was going to get out but I must say that Mokulele pilots were really great. They got us going and not really late. I have to say a great mahalo to the young man that worked the check-in desk, as he helped me get on the plane when it looked like it might be too full. He was terrific. I arrived at my doctor’s appointment and who should be in the waiting room but everyone from Molokai. We all laughed because none of us had met before.
The students at Aka`ula School are going to Japan. What a wonderful opportunity for them. I tell them that when I was in school there was no such thing as students going on field trips to other states, let alone to a foreign country. I wish I could go to school now. Everything seems so much more interesting than when I went to school, especially our geography teacher who didn’t like kids and told us so every morning. Speaking of school, I got all As from my classes. I wish they were offering more classes like the ones I took. Perhaps next fall. Mahalo Todd and the Dispatch for that wonderful opportunity.
Stop in at Kalele Bookstore and ask to see the arbor. Teri has trained her lilikoi vine to go over the frame. It is a wonderful place to sit under and read a book, daydream or talk story.
They’ve started working on the St. Damien Church! It’s so exciting. Father Clyde always said we’d have mass for Christmas. Looks like he was right on. I went over to give Sister Jessie’s and there was Father in bibbed overalls. I almost didn’t know who he was because he’s never dressed like that.
Exciting to have the Cookhouse back open. They make the best bacon burger ever! I recommend you share it with someone. Take care, drive careful in the rain and come talk with me here at the Dispatch sometime. God bless, Aunty Kapua

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