Aunty’s Corner
Aloha Aunty Here,
I am continually impressed by the Leo Club at the high school. They come around to our doors at Home Pumehana every holiday with either goodies or hand made cards. It really makes my day. No matter what people say about teenagers, these kids are a great example for our future. Mahalo, you made an ol’ aunty happy.
I had a lovely email from Suzann Ross, from Texas. She and her husband were visiting from Texas where they have had tons of snow! They went to Big Wind Kite shop where Daphne explained the process of kite manufacturing. They also had a nice chat with Lourdes Chun. Suzann taught school years ago, she said, in Waiahole on Oahu. My mother taught school at Upper Paia Elementary on Maui. She loved it. Jonathan from the Kite shop came in to the Dispatch the other day and showed me how to make kites from regular copy paper. So cool! He’s going to have kite flying at the shop on Saturday.
I was at church Sunday and was given an article about the visiting priests that we had last month. We had Father Thierry de Roucy and Father Gonzague Leroux of The Priestly Fraternity of Molokai from France and Belgium. These lovely priests had never been to Molokai and only knew of us from pictures and maps. Father de Roucy’s choice of the name came to him while praying. He chose the place name rather than St. Damien’s name because it is the place and the people that made him a saint. They were very shy and unassuming to speak to. I tried out my only word I knew and they smiled at me, so polite. Such an honor to have them here for such a short time. You can read the article in the February Hawaii Catholic Herald.
The Ka’ahumanu Society has held their elections. New officers are: Vannie Aiona, President; Didi Kaakimaka, VP; Edwina Cacoulidis, Secretary; Carolyn Takeuchi, Treasurer; Hannah Tavares, Financial Secretary.
Melendrina is going to the Philipines, Loren is going to Japan, Aunty Helen and daughter are going to the Scandinavian countries. I tried really hard to get them to take me but there they go and here I am. I’ll just go sit under a palm tree and watch the whales. More better anyway.
Alu Like went to the Hawaiian Library. We are studying Queen Liliuokalani. This month’s class was on Hana’i. I was hana’i by my sister and her family. There was chanting and singing and dancing and a vow to take. I think I cried throughout the ceremony. I shall never forget it. Speaking of Alu Like, our very own Hala did a solo at the fabulous lu’au that Moana put on. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place when she spoke of her family and nieces. I must thank Lulu and Kahealani Maliu for their great aloha in sharing a ticket for me to come. Honi, Honi.
Mahalo plenty for all the great comments. Keep sending me your info. Off to the Dentist. Aunty

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