Aunty’s Corner

Aloha, Aunty here…It’s been so hot in Kaunakakai, so my neighbor and I have been hitting the swimming pool.  Have you been to the pool? The pool is the cleanest pool in the county thanks to our wonderful life guards. They clean every Wednesday and Saturday.  Mahalo for keeping our pool safe, guys.  There was a new lifeguard who I thought was from Baywatch, he was so cute.

My little friend, Mili, started Kindergarten this week.  She is so darling.  When I first met her she was just a wee one! She could walk under tables without hitting her head and my dog, Kumu, was almost as big as she was.  It is so cute to see our little ones on the school bus.  They are so small that their heads are not visible and then at the end of the school year they can be seen in the window.  Our children and grandchildren are the future of our country and I wish that my school time was as interesting as the classes I’ve observed.

I just read a book called “Cold Wind” by C.J. Box.  This is a mystery set in Wyoming and the hero is the game warden and involves the bad guy trying to bilk the people with a bogus wind farm.  Things get pretty hot when the bad guy is killed and his wife, who is the game warden’s despised mother-in-law, is the suspect.  It’s a good read along with the windmill talk.

I was at the hotel the other Tuesday for dinner and playing there was a band called Pili Pa`a.  I was so impressed with their music that I went up and asked them if they made a CD.  They said that they had no plans to do such a thing.  If you want to take your significant other to a romantic dinner on a week day then I highly recommend going there and listening to the music, the waves and the nahenahe breezes, and if you still haven’t met the perfect match for you, then you should try sites like backpage 2 which are great to meet people online.  I was sad to see that there were only three tables dining beside us there.  I hope more will come to hear this fabulous group.

My neighbor, Uncle Al, is a great craftsman with all kinds of materials.  One of my favorites is his wind chimes.  I have always admired them and lo and behold, he surprised me with one that he had hung by my door so I can hear them all the time.  Mahalo Uncle Al, you da bes’!

Aloha my friends, this is all for now, but am leaving you with a request.  Please call your representatives, even if you don’t get Social Security now, and urge them to not cut it and Medicare.

Mahalo, Aunty Kapua


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