Athletic Mandatory Parent Meeting
MHS Athletics News Release
Due to new policies for the Department of Education, Molokai High School (MHS) Athletic Department will conduct three parent athletic meetings during the sports seasons (Fall, Winter, Spring) for school year 2014-15.
The fall season meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 30 at the Café from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The winter season meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 22 at the MHS Library. The spring season meeting will be on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 at the MHS Library. All meetings will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Forms needed: Physical form, Release of Liability form, Concussion form, receipt of student fees paid and check off form.
No forms, no play!
Parents/guardians with student-athletes playing three-sports need only attend fall mandatory meeting.
For more information please contact the Athletic Department at 567-6959.

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