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Aiming Sky High 

Photo by Jack Kiyonaga

Returning for its second year, the Youth in Aviation program gave Molokai kids a chance to see what a career in the air could look like. Run by the Aloft nonprofit, Youth in Aviation walked Molokai keiki through a variety of jobs like pilot, air traffic controller and airport mechanic. 


One of the highlights from the weekend program was a chance to fly in both helicopters and planes, as well as start their own flight logbooks. The program aims to foster home-grown pilots, in the hopes of making air transportation more available for Molokai residents. 


“They had a blast,” said Randell Albertson, a Maui firefighter who started the Aloft nonprofit. Supported by a grant from the Ray Foundation, Albertson is able to bring the camp to Molokai for just a deposit fee and suggested donation from participants. 


With several returners from last year’s program, Albertson explained that he hopes to “fan the flame” into a career in aviation. For those Molokai kids who aren’t necessarily interested in becoming pilots, the program offers other career options connected to the airport as a whole, like working in the tower or on-site as a firefighter. 


“We tie it all together so all the kids can get a life skill out of aviation,” explained Albertson. “We chime in with life skills from aviation like check lists, accountability and go-no-go decision making.” 


Molokai parent Michael Carney had two of his boys, Dane and Duke, participate in the program. 


“I feel like this was an opportunity for Molokai kids that they wouldn’t normally get,” explained Carney. Carney’s older son had done the program last year and was eager to continue learning about the path to becoming a pilot. 


Albertson explained that if enough Molokai kids demonstrate interest in becoming pilots, he should be able to bring flight instructors on-island for more regular flight instruction. 

“As soon as [Dane] flew a plane for the first time, he was hooked,” said Carney. “Now, he wants to be a pilot.”


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