`Aha Ho`okuku `Olelo
Hui Hoʻola ʻOlelo News Release
Welina e ko Molokai, e na makamaka o ia `aina momona nei.
In celebration of Mahina Aloha `Olelo (Hawaiian Language Month), February, we will be hosting our first `Aha Ho`okuku `Olelo (Hawaiian Language Competition) on Molokai. This event will be held on Friday, Feb. 28 at Kulana `Oiwi Halau. It is open to all levels of Hawaiian Language speakers. There will be two categories: Ho`opa`ana`au (Memorized Verse) and Uluwale (Impromptu). You may choose to enter in just one category or both. Levels will be separated by grades for youth and by skill for adult entries.
Our theme, “He ali`i ka `aina, he kauwa ke kanaka,” honors our ali`i as well as our `aina of Molokai. Memorized verses will be chosen passages spoken by our ali`i that has become popular sayings still used today. Uluwale topics will focus on our island home, Molokai. Upon registration, you will receive your verse and/or topics.
The goal of our Hui Ho`ola `Olelo is to honor, preserve, and perpetuate our Hawaiian language within our community of Molokai. We aspire to convey that our `olelo makuahine is alive not only in our schools but in our community as well. We hope that this friendly competition will instill pride in our Hawaiian language speakers and encourage others to learn.
Included in our hui are Kilia Purdy-Avelino, Uʻilani Ramos, Uluhani Wai`ale`ale, Iolani Kuoha, Kalei Kawa`a, and Manuwai Peters. If you are interested in registering or would like to know more about our `Aha Ho`okuku `Olelo, please contact Kilia at kpurdyavelino@gmail.com or (808) 937-3235. Flyers to be posted soon.

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