80 Businesses Supplied with PPE
By Catherine Cluett Pactol

Photo courtesy of Boki Chung.
Two, 40-foot containers of personal protective equipment (PPE) was distributed by volunteers last Wednesday to about 80 local businesses and organizations. The PPE came to Molokai from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, organized by Molokai dentist Boki Chung.
Thirty-eight pallets stacked high with masks, disinfectants, gloves, face shields, hand sanitizer, gowns and other items were sorted by county employees with the assistance of Stacy Helm Crivello, along with community volunteers.
Chung said the Maui County Dental Society originally reached out to her regarding PPE distribution earmarked for dentists but after speaking with HiEMA, Chung was able to coordinate for any Molokai business in need.
Chung circulated a request form to local organizations, then coordinated the logistics of the shipment and distribution.
“This was made possible because of Parks and Rec and the volunteers who helped sort on Tuesday evening: Tylor Tanaka, Alana Ducroix Miyamoto, Michelle and Francis Naeole, Ken Brito, Hoala Davis, Mauli Pupuhi and Waipuna Kelly-Paleka,” said Chung. “Mahalo to Wailani Tanaka who provided food for the workers on Wednesday and helped re-distribute PPE to local businesses in town.”
Boxes were sorted at Mitchell Pauole Center, with pickup last Wednesday.
“The biggest mahalos go to the MVPs: Darin Kimoto, Zac Crowder and Tabitha Pupuhi who rose to the occasion and did double duty,” added Chung. “And of course, HiEMA who provided and sent us the PPE!”

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